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Index » Beatmaps » Work In Progress/Help Wanted » Baciary - Jak sie bawia ludzie

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2 days ago
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2025年3月13日 at 20:06:56

Artist: Baciary
Title: Jak sie bawia ludzie
Tags: baciary jak sie bawia ludzie polish polski polska
BPM: 187
Filesize: 4981kb
Play Time: 02:49
Difficulties Available:

Download: Baciary - Jak sie bawia ludzie
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Wanted to try my hand at some older mapping styles, thought this would be the perfect song to do it xd

Basically a reupload from Bancho, with mods applied and offset fixed

update 1:
+ fixed offset
+ fixed missing hitsounds

update 2:
+ applied majikiti girl mods

update 3:
+ applied vg185 mods

update 4:
+ applied digital mods
majikiti girl
18 posts
RU Flag

Earned 1 kudosu.

2 days ago
hi! cool song and map, but there are some problems in it, let me mod it

add song genre in tags (i feel that it's folk)
00:21:540 (6) - it will be better for rhythm if you will undo slider repeat, move this object to 00:21:780 and put a circle at slider beginning on first timestamp
00:37:101 (9) - it really seems like overmapped circle, it would be better if you will move it to 00:36:941 (and also move circle with the previous distance snap, for a pattern i mentioned it's 0.8x)
move 2nd bpm zone to 154024 offset, it will probably fix all aimod errors you have
4 posts
PL Flag

2 days ago

majikiti girl wrote:

hi! cool song and map, but there are some problems in it, let me mod it

add song genre in tags (i feel that it's folk)
00:21:540 (6) - it will be better for rhythm if you will undo slider repeat, move this object to 00:21:780 and put a circle at slider beginning on first timestamp
00:37:101 (9) - it really seems like overmapped circle, it would be better if you will move it to 00:36:941 (and also move circle with the previous distance snap, for a pattern i mentioned it's 0.8x)
move 2nd bpm zone to 154024 offset, it will probably fix all aimod errors you have


00:21:540 (6) - i made it a repeat slider cuz its a unpredictable rhythm. the slider lets me emphasize the rhythm but in a way that the player wont be punished for this unpredictable rhythm.

00:37:101 (9) - sure

regarding the offset: ill check if that is even timed correctly, and if not how to fix it, but thanks for pointing it out!
57 posts
UA Flag

Earned 1 kudosu.

2 days ago
Absolute banger of a map. First time modding here so I hope I won't mess up the formatting :clueless:


00:07:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Weird to me, as I see you map the repeating rhythm and then copy-paste it and CTRL+J or CTRL+H it. Why does this pattern appear at the top if it has been here already? I believe it'd be pretty fair to put it on the left side (just CTRL+< it).

00:28:278 (9) - Any reason for no NC here and on the next circle instead?

01:10:711 (1) - Definitely an interesting way to represent a rest in vocals lol. It's quite sporadically used so I'd recommend replacing them with long sliders to fill the space.

02:06:941 (1) - ^^^

02:24:909 (5) - Questionable representation of the rhythm. As far as I hear, it's perfectly on a 1/2 tick. My proposal is make it a non-repeating long slider (that goes from red tick to next red tick), and then fill in the space at 02:25:390 by placing a circle.

02:34:053 - Severely offset red line, change its offset to 154022 or approximately 31ms earlier.

02:48:884 (11,12,13) - Choke material, though don't change if you don't want to.

Earned 1 kudosu.

2 days ago
Nice map, I don't have too many complaints. Just a few minor things that need to be changed

More manual lead in time is required for this map. Please add 500 more ms of manual lead in time. Ranking criteria for Titanic states: "Manual lead in time must be added to ensure the first object starts after 1500ms", since your first note is at 33ms, you need 1500ms in total.

Baciary - Jak sie bawia ludzie (Furball).osb goes unused, please remove this file when you update the map next time.

Your background file size is too large. Ranking Criteria requires the filesize to be under 2.5mb, the size isn't the issue here it's the format. I have converted it to jpg at 100% which brought it down to 2.3mb. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034419409801973901/1349492100541976730/IMG_4607.zip?ex=67d34bf5&is=67d1fa75&hm=b9f963094433484698cd8d4cee0d7e12e09643a3e2abef73f86a779c1999bf48&

Just note that most osu! clients will automatically downscale the bg to 768p if you use a jpg image. There is no way around this except for using a client without this feature. My modded client will not do this, and also clients b699 and older shouldn't do this.

Poke me for recheck when ready.
4 posts
PL Flag

1 day ago

vg185 wrote:

Absolute banger of a map. First time modding here so I hope I won't mess up the formatting :clueless:


00:07:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Weird to me, as I see you map the repeating rhythm and then copy-paste it and CTRL+J or CTRL+H it. Why does this pattern appear at the top if it has been here already? I believe it'd be pretty fair to put it on the left side (just CTRL+< it).

00:28:278 (9) - Any reason for no NC here and on the next circle instead?

01:10:711 (1) - Definitely an interesting way to represent a rest in vocals lol. It's quite sporadically used so I'd recommend replacing them with long sliders to fill the space.

02:06:941 (1) - ^^^

02:24:909 (5) - Questionable representation of the rhythm. As far as I hear, it's perfectly on a 1/2 tick. My proposal is make it a non-repeating long slider (that goes from red tick to next red tick), and then fill in the space at 02:25:390 by placing a circle.

02:34:053 - Severely offset red line, change its offset to 154022 or approximately 31ms earlier.

02:48:884 (11,12,13) - Choke material, though don't change if you don't want to.


00:07:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - no clue, my brain probably forgot left exists or smth, i put it on the left and also buffed spacing for emphasis, since theres slightly more going on melodically than the other copy pastes

00:28:278 (9) - i just didnt think of NCs xd, fixed

01:10:711 (1) - tbh the only thing id change on this section is maybe emphasize the vocals a bit more by putting a triple under the last slider, i dont want pointless filler 1/2s (like these: 00:14:471 (1,2,3) - ), i feel like the map doesn't need more of those, it's got plenty already xd the drums dont do anything super interesting, and i dont want anything clickable there since i dont feel like its worth a clickable and sound emitting object

02:06:941 (1) - this one was purely done for variety's sake, wanted to switch up how that section gets done so its not just same rhythm, vaguely similar arrangement, which is why these 02:05:487 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - also follow the same vocals that have occured numerous times already but are mapped in a completly different way

02:24:909 (5) - the 'b' sound the singer makes does *not* land on the white/red tick as far as my ears are concerned

02:34:053 - fixed and resnapped objects

02:48:884 (11,12,13) - i'll be nice and space these out xd
4 posts
PL Flag

1 day ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Nice map, I don't have too many complaints. Just a few minor things that need to be changed

More manual lead in time is required for this map. Please add 500 more ms of manual lead in time. Ranking criteria for Titanic states: "Manual lead in time must be added to ensure the first object starts after 1500ms", since your first note is at 33ms, you need 1500ms in total.

Baciary - Jak sie bawia ludzie (Furball).osb goes unused, please remove this file when you update the map next time.

Your background file size is too large. Ranking Criteria requires the filesize to be under 2.5mb, the size isn't the issue here it's the format. I have converted it to jpg at 100% which brought it down to 2.3mb. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034419409801973901/1349492100541976730/IMG_4607.zip?ex=67d34bf5&is=67d1fa75&hm=b9f963094433484698cd8d4cee0d7e12e09643a3e2abef73f86a779c1999bf48&

Just note that most osu! clients will automatically downscale the bg to 768p if you use a jpg image. There is no way around this except for using a client without this feature. My modded client will not do this, and also clients b699 and older shouldn't do this.

Poke me for recheck when ready.


- removed osb
- got the background down to 965kb
- fixed leadin time
Last edited by Furball 1 day ago, edited 2 times in total.
majikiti girl
18 posts
RU Flag

No kudosu yet.

6 hours ago
00:07:733 (1,2,3,4,5,1) xd
we said for you to ctrl + < but you have overdone :D

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