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Index » Beatmaps » Map Requests » Konuko - Toumei Elegy

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Yuki Yokoya
74 posts
PH Flag

1 week ago
"But wait, this is already ranked here, why are you requesting this map again?"

This specific version of Toumei Elegy contains the following diffs:
Extreme (now known as Another)
Two versions of Riziawa's Couple Extra (wkyikawa's Couple Extra, wkyikawa's Extra)
Hoping Nothing (supposedly the fourth version of Ultimate Reverberant Gonkanau)
Second Gonkanau (supposedly the fifth version of Ultimate Reverberant Gonkanau)

There were missing diffs to this specific version of this map such as:
- Transparent Wailing 6.58* (first version)
- Disappearence 6.84* (second version)
- CRAZINESS 7.69* (third version)
- Final Reverberant Gonkanau 7.4* (sixth version)

Small fun fact: Awaken at the time really had a hard time trying to map the bridge to the point that he remapped the song 6 times in order to rank this map. Pretty cool right?
Last edited by Yuki Yokoya 1 week ago, edited 1 time in total.

1 week ago
Why should we rank/love beta versions of these maps? Isn’t that kinda double dipping?

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