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Index » Beatmaps » Mapping Discussion » Map Requests » YST - The Lost Dedicated

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139 posts

1094 posts

7 months ago
Please note that this forum topic was imported from the Titanic Discord server.
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139 posts

7 months ago
That's a long message
139 posts

7 months ago
Common sense tells me that this second map shouldn't be ranked, nevermind that one

7 months ago

☆ wrote:

Common sense tells me that this second map shouldn't be ranked, nevermind that one

the quick brown fox one?

7 months ago
im willing to rank the 1.0x diff

7 months ago
but the rest would be loved
139 posts

7 months ago

BlueChinchompa wrote:

Common sense tells me that this second map shouldn't be ranked, nevermind that one

the quick brown fox one?
139 posts

7 months ago

BlueChinchompa wrote:

im willing to rank the 1.0x diff

Oh, then sure
139 posts

7 months ago
1.0x could be a good 6 star
139 posts

7 months ago
The rest can be fun to try on titanic every once in a while


7 months ago
@Adachi how do I only rank a specific diff?

7 months ago

BlueChinchompa wrote:

@Adachi how do I only rank a specific diff?

add set

7 months ago
!addset 224173

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