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Index » Beatmaps » Mapping Discussion » Map Requests » Grandaddy - Jed's Other Poem (Beautiful Ground)

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1795 posts

4 months ago
@Levi @Basil Chapman Hi, this is a veto against this map getting ranked. The offset is incorrect

The offset and bpm of this map does not align with the beats correctly. Moving the offset to 28,960 bandaids the issue a little, but I’m not convinced the flat bpm of 120 is correct for this whole section. I would try to get the exact timing but I don’t have my computer and I’m in another state rn

Last edited by Digitalfear117 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
1795 posts

4 months ago
In addition, I have concerns with patterning and rhythm choices throughout the map
Last edited by Digitalfear117 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
1795 posts

4 months ago
I think maps like this should be made to go through a round of modding before being ranked. I understand that the bar for ranking criteria will most likely be lower here than on bancho, however things like offset, and bpm, and rhythms being utilized correctly should not be compromised on. These things would also help new mappers, as it will show them how they can improve their map!
Last edited by Digitalfear117 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

4 months ago
a few things i noticed on the insane at first glance, 00 and 00 have no note when that sound has been mapped before and after it, 01 (8) - should be 01, *not going to say much else for now since not sure how much basil actually wants mods on the map but just sending as an example*
1795 posts

4 months ago
After major concerns are addressed, this map can probably be safely re-ranked
Last edited by Digitalfear117 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
Basil Chapman
158 posts

4 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

@Levi @Basil Chapman Hi, this is a veto against this map getting ranked. The offset is incorrect

The offset and bpm of this map does not align with the beats correctly. Moving the offset to 28,960 bandaids the issue a little, but I’m not convinced the flat bpm of 120 is correct for this whole section. I would try to get the exact timing but I don’t have my computer and I’m in another state rn

Thanks for addressing! I’ll be sure to update that next time I’m on.
1389 posts

4 months ago
yeee, unranking this would be a good idea
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
Basil Chapman
158 posts

4 months ago

Nikku wrote:

a few things i noticed on the insane at first glance, 00 and 00 have no note when that sound has been mapped before and after it, 01 (8) - should be 01, *not going to say much else for now since not sure how much basil actually wants mods on the map but just sending as an example*

I’ll check this too.
1389 posts

4 months ago
i said i was gonna mod the insane diff top lol
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
1389 posts

LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
1389 posts

4 months ago
i need to hitsound the diff i made!
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

1485 posts

4 months ago
And that's the reason why I am not responsible for maps folks

4 months ago
Last edited by Nikku 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
Basil Chapman
158 posts

4 months ago
Updates so far

-all difficulties timing offset has been patched
-Propper preview point

-a difficulty buff, cause it was too easy.
-Patterns will continue to be snapped to the grid, but tried to optimize using more squares and triangles
-The quick 3 note bursts have repeated throughout to improve consistency.

-hit sounds (presumably)


-Timing improvements
-Using sliders instead of circles as those are easier to hit.
Last edited by Basil Chapman 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

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