My personal osu! skin, been working on it since mid 2023. Still unfinished, will post updates in this thread.
Catch is just the old catch skin, forces Ryuuta to be used. I'll probably skin it properly once I'm done with Standard.
This skin works in every client I can think of, all the way back to 2008. I test in the latest stable client and then go backwards through the different versions.
2013 builds won't allow me to change the spinner tint. There is no fix, since the SpinnerColor skin.ini variable wasn't added in these mid 2013 builds, thus the spinner is darker than intended. It works in the 2014 builds provided on the website, and in pre-redesign builds from early 2013 and earlier.
On all widescreen builds from before 2014, the countdown tries to stretch to the aspect ratio of your monitor rather than staying in 4:3. Again, no fix, since this is a game bug that happens to affect all skins. I will be adding my own assets to hopefully make it less janky looking. Will require massive amounts of trial and error.
Back button has extra deadspace at the top. This is intended, as old clients want to push the button up above the bottom. [WONT FIX]
Catch is just the old catch skin, forces Ryuuta to be used. I'll probably skin it properly once I'm done with Standard.
This skin works in every client I can think of, all the way back to 2008. I test in the latest stable client and then go backwards through the different versions.
2013 builds won't allow me to change the spinner tint. There is no fix, since the SpinnerColor skin.ini variable wasn't added in these mid 2013 builds, thus the spinner is darker than intended. It works in the 2014 builds provided on the website, and in pre-redesign builds from early 2013 and earlier.
On all widescreen builds from before 2014, the countdown tries to stretch to the aspect ratio of your monitor rather than staying in 4:3. Again, no fix, since this is a game bug that happens to affect all skins. I will be adding my own assets to hopefully make it less janky looking. Will require massive amounts of trial and error.
Back button has extra deadspace at the top. This is intended, as old clients want to push the button up above the bottom. [WONT FIX]