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265 posts

2 months ago
This post is being used to test the bandwidth of internet. Please do not ignore and do not tag me on discord. Thanks.

-Basil Chapman
(@kiradeer on discord.)
Dear Levi, can you kindly change my username to "Rotteen"?? thank u g

will think about it
- Levi
1794 posts

LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
32 posts

i like computers and big booba anime girls
Isshiki Kaname
95 posts

I really love Narumi Toa. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea. I love her so much that it is inexplicable, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I have an unhealthy obsession. I will never get tired of installing Gentoo Linux with -o3 -march=native -flto optimization flags on an Intel Atom N570 netbook bare metal without using distcc. It is my life goal to meet up her with her in real life and have her configure my arch install for me
same developer anyway, still funni | Isshiki Kaname@osu!Bancho | Katou Megumi@osu!Ripple | discord server

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