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Index » Titanic! » Feature Requests » Adding transparency support for Mania key press images in skins

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seksman sigma balls
3 posts
KR Flag

1 month ago
Forum Image

This is an image of me testing the issue with my skin on client b20150203.7. Normal notes and long notes go under the image of key press(mania-key-1.png, mania-key-1D… to mania-key-3D, mania-key-S and mania-key-SD.png as well) and makes it impossible for me to see where the notes are dropping on the judgement line.

The problem here in specific is that it doesn't understand the key press image here is transparent, which is understood well in modern clients and lets me use a transparent image as the mania-key-number(press/non-press) and just lets me use the judgement line(mania-stage-hint.png) without issues.

I tried various methods like editing the skin.ini's KeysUnderNotes and many more that will and could be default methods of fixing these sort of issues, but nothing worked on this version of the client. This lets me assume that this feature isn't implemented on this version of the game yet.

The ported skin I'm using in b20150203.7
The original skin I'm using in modern osu

Without this feature, the game is really unplayable for me so I hope it could be fixed by a feature addition of adding transparency support for Mania key press images in the mania skins.
1615 posts
DE Flag

1 month ago
This is sadly out of scope for Titanic. I am here to provide a server, and not modify the clients to have a different behavior than they were originally supposed to have. You could ask digitalfear if he wants to add that behavior to his modded client, but other than that I see no alternative, except for hoping that a newer client will fix it.
seksman sigma balls
3 posts
KR Flag

1 month ago

Levi wrote:

This is sadly out of scope for Titanic. I am here to provide a server, and not modify the clients to have a different behavior than they were originally supposed to have. You could ask digitalfear if he wants to add that behavior to his modded client, but other than that I see no alternative, except for hoping that a newer client will fix it.

Understood. Unfortunate, but will be waiting for a future fix with a newer client. I'll just try to get used to the current situation while I'm at it. Thanks for the reply!

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