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Index » Beatmaps » Ranked/Approved Beatmaps » ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Last Time (t+pazolite Remix)

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2 months ago fire
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 22:44:38

Title: Last Time (t+pazolite Remix)
Source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
Tags: japanese electronic video game zun team shanghai alice 上海アリス幻樂団 redalice forlane | rei forlane rei 野宮あゆみ nomiya ayumi touhou kaeizuka 博麗霊夢 reimu hakurei 東方project th9 春色小径 ~ colorful path shunshoku komichi 少女綺想曲 ~ dream battle shoujou kisoukyoku touhou eiyashou 東方花映塚 ~ phantasmagoria of flower view th8 reitaisai 9 rts9 例大祭9
BPM: 200
Filesize: 8141kb
Play Time: 03:45
Difficulties Available:

Download: ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Last Time (t+pazolite Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Earned 1 kudosu.

2 months ago
Let's fix the metadata of this while we're at it. Taken from my own Bancho set of this song.

Title: Last Time (t+pazolite Remix)
Source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
Tags: japanese electronic video game zun team shanghai alice 上海アリス幻樂団 redalice forlane | rei forlane rei 野宮あゆみ nomiya ayumi touhou kaeizuka 博麗霊夢 reimu hakurei 東方project th9 春色小径 ~ colorful path shunshoku komichi 少女綺想曲 ~ dream battle shoujou kisoukyoku touhou eiyashou 東方花映塚 ~ phantasmagoria of flower view th8 reitaisai 9 rts9 例大祭9

yes i know the source on my bancho set is wrong i just cba to fix it there :')
Last edited by broilertm 2 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

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2 months ago
Also, creator name on this needs to be fixed.

Correct creator of this is Yauxo.

I assume this will be done anyway but posting this here so it doesn't get forgotten. :p

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2 months ago
I don't see this map on Yauxo's profile, but maybe I missed it or it's not submitted anymore. If this was made by another mapper you need to update the set with the correct creator name, don't upload it with your name instead. Yes Titanic will let you upload a map with a different username than yours xd

Also, why do we have AR 9 and AR 10 versions of each diff? Let's just keep one.

Since you are uploading the map here anyways you may as well remove the unused file of blackbg.png the mp3 is also 320kbps which is too high, please re encode at 192kbps

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2 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

I don't see this map on Yauxo's profile, but maybe I missed it or it's not submitted anymore. If this was made by another mapper you need to update the set with the correct creator name, don't upload it with your name instead. Yes Titanic will let you upload a map with a different username than yours xd

Also, why do we have AR 9 and AR 10 versions of each diff? Let's just keep one.

Since you are uploading the map here anyways you may as well remove the unused file of blackbg.png the mp3 is also 320kbps which is too high, please re encode at 192kbps

This map was deleted from Yauxo's profile sometime in 2014-2015, hence why you don't see it on his profile.

Also, not it doesn't because I did try to upload it under Yauxo's name & it told me that the set isn't mine and didn't let me proceed. I was told that a BAT has to submit it, hence why I asked iSlodinx to do it for me.

The difficulties are how it was on the original set so I don't really think modifying them in any way should be deemed acceptable, since the whole point is just to preserve the original set. Metadata was updated because, ideally, just pushing for Loved on here & not meant for rank/approval. Don't think it's an issue regarding that?

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2 months ago

broilertm wrote:

This map was deleted from Yauxo's profile sometime in 2014-2015, hence why you don't see it on his profile.

Also, not it doesn't because I did try to upload it under Yauxo's name & it told me that the set isn't mine and didn't let me proceed. I was told that a BAT has to submit it, hence why I asked iSlodinx to do it for me.

The difficulties are how it was on the original set so I don't really think modifying them in any way should be deemed acceptable, since the whole point is just to preserve the original set. Metadata was updated because, ideally, just pushing for Loved on here & not meant for rank/approval. Don't think it's an issue regarding that?

BAT's have raised permissions and can upload maps under other names other than oneself.

I am very opposed to having different AR diffs even for loved set's, I would much much much rather see one chosen

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2 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

BAT's have raised permissions and can upload maps under other names other than oneself.

I am very opposed to having different AR diffs even for loved set's, I would much much much rather see one chosen

For Loved, even on Bancho this rule doesn't exist & there are plenty of maps that have multiple of the same difficulty with different ARs, so for the sake of set preservation & accuracy - I'd rather all the diffs remain, as that is how the original set was uploaded as well. I genuinely don't see this as an issue, just a difference in opinion. If this set was for rank, sure, I'd remove all but 1 of the difficulties.

The creator thing is something @iSlodinx will have to fix, I'll ping him myself. :p

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2 months ago

broilertm wrote:

For Loved, even on Bancho this rule doesn't exist & there are plenty of maps that have multiple of the same difficulty with different ARs, so for the sake of set preservation & accuracy - I'd rather all the diffs remain, as that is how the original set was uploaded as well. I genuinely don't see this as an issue, just a difference in opinion. If this set was for rank, sure, I'd remove all but 1 of the difficulties.

The creator thing is something @iSlodinx will have to fix, I'll ping him myself. :p

I've already told him. I was hoping to push this for ranked since I love Yauxo maps, but after looking at the diffs I have to relent that this would in fact be better for Loved. Having both is fine
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