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Index » Beatmaps » Ranked/Approved Beatmaps » Bobby Cole - Trance Music for Racing Game (Cut Ver.)

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1 month ago heart
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 7:00:25

Artist: Bobby Cole
Title: Trance Music for Racing Game (Cut Ver.)
Tags: electronic instrumental novelty meme Harumi-chan Harumiii Dream Manhunt Song Speedrun The Sound of Rugby
BPM: 169
Filesize: 3405kb
Play Time: 01:53
Difficulties Available:

Download: Bobby Cole - Trance Music for Racing Game (Cut Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
speedrun music

Normal - Harumi-chan
Hard - me
Running Quest - me

Satori / iSlodinx
ss farming
1966 posts
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1 month ago
speedrun mod, let's see how quickly i can mod it, starting now!

- Harumi-chan missing in tags, Harumiii isn't enough
- 00:20:562 - 00:21:982 - lower the hitsound volume here for all diffs (to around 25 or 30%), song goes quiet, yet you put Normal hitsounds which are loud for no reason, that way, the build up will sound much better too
- 00:43:817 - 00:45:059 - ^
- 01:06:538 - 01:07:781 - ^
- i guess what i'm trying to say is, make the build up sound satisfying, don't destroy someone's ears before we reach the peak xd

- 00:21:095 (3,4) - i feel like these are kinda unnecessary (especailly 00:21:627 (4)) - as they follow really subtle sounds that you can't hear from loud hitsounds, don't be afraid to leave empty parts in maps (either that or lower the hitsound volume)
- 00:42:573 (7) - "Object's end is slightly unsnapped! Off by -2ms." - AIMod

- 00:33:254 (6) - consider making it so the circle and 00:33:343 (1) - slider aren't on the same y axis as it doesn't look nice that way, imo at least
- 01:52:781 (5) - same here, but for x axis

Running Quest:
- 00:12:396 (2) - would conisder raising the circle a lot higher so it doesn't overlap with 00:11:686 (3) - and if you do, maybe overlap it with 00:13:284 (5) -
- 00:53:935 (3) - is the placement intentional? it's stacked on slider sooo

that's all, this took 25 mins c:
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
522 posts
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1 month ago

Satori wrote:

speedrun mod, let's see how quickly i can mod it, starting now!

- Harumi-chan missing in tags, Harumiii isn't enough
- 00:20:562 - 00:21:982 - lower the hitsound volume here for all diffs (to around 25 or 30%), song goes quiet, yet you put Normal hitsounds which are loud for no reason, that way, the build up will sound much better too
- 00:43:817 - 00:45:059 - ^
- 01:06:538 - 01:07:781 - ^
- i guess what i'm trying to say is, make the build up sound satisfying, don't destroy someone's ears before we reach the peak xd

- 00:21:095 (3,4) - i feel like these are kinda unnecessary (especailly 00:21:627 (4)) - as they follow really subtle sounds that you can't hear from loud hitsounds, don't be afraid to leave empty parts in maps (either that or lower the hitsound volume)
- 00:42:573 (7) - "Object's end is slightly unsnapped! Off by -2ms." - AIMod

- 00:33:254 (6) - consider making it so the circle and 00:33:343 (1) - slider aren't on the same y axis as it doesn't look nice that way, imo at least
- 01:52:781 (5) - same here, but for x axis

Running Quest:
- 00:12:396 (2) - would conisder raising the circle a lot higher so it doesn't overlap with 00:11:686 (3) - and if you do, maybe overlap it with 00:13:284 (5) -
- 00:53:935 (3) - is the placement intentional? it's stacked on slider sooo

that's all, this took 25 mins c:

agreed all change, except 00:21:095 (3,4) - on normal diff as i choose to lower the volume instead
ss farming
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1 month ago
Hard: 00:22:071 (1) - probably put this hitsound on normal cuz its a drum, sounds weird imo
i love CLANNAD
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1 month ago

iSlodinx wrote:

Hard: 00:22:071 (1) - probably put this hitsound on normal cuz its a drum, sounds weird imo

normal sampleset applied
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1 month ago
maps good now, here's floaty thing
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
637 posts
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1 month ago heart
All good
i love CLANNAD

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1 month ago
Hi, I am disqualifying this map:

This map needs 850ms of manual lead in time on all diffs to comply with RC.

00:13:284 (4,5) - these notes are touching the hp bar on default skin
00:38:137 (3,4,5) -  ^
00:43:284 (1,2) - ^
00:50:030 (3) - ^
01:03:166 (1,2) - ^
01:25:888 (1) - ^

I’d like to see the touching notes get resolved, but the manual lead in time is a must.
Last edited by Digitalfear117 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.
637 posts
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1 month ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Hi, I am disqualifying this map:

This map needs 850ms of manual lead in time on all diffs to comply with RC.

00:13:284 (4,5) - these notes are touching the hp bar on default skin
00:38:137 (3,4,5) -  ^
00:43:284 (1,2) - ^
00:50:030 (3) - ^
01:03:166 (1,2) - ^
01:25:888 (1) - ^

I’d like to see the touching notes get resolved, but the manual lead in time is a must.

Im quite surprised how i didn't pay attention enough on those 💀
i love CLANNAD
522 posts
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1 month ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Hi, I am disqualifying this map:

This map needs 850ms of manual lead in time on all diffs to comply with RC.

00:13:284 (4,5) - these notes are touching the hp bar on default skin
00:38:137 (3,4,5) -  ^
00:43:284 (1,2) - ^
00:50:030 (3) - ^
01:03:166 (1,2) - ^
01:25:888 (1) - ^

I’d like to see the touching notes get resolved, but the manual lead in time is a must.

fixed lead time

also how do objects on the top left affect the old client for HP bar…. i don't think this should be applied if it's not really affected gameplay
ss farming
637 posts
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i love CLANNAD
1966 posts
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1 month ago heart
oh yea, i'm supposed to renominate whoops
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

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