Artist: Chata
Title: Dango Daikazoku (TV Size)
BPM: 100
Filesize: 4755kb
Play Time: 01:23
Difficulties Available:
- Digitalfear117's Pre-osu! Easy (1.01 stars, 78 notes)
- Normal (3.15 stars, 115 notes)
- The Hundred Dango Family (4.76 stars, 184 notes)
- Velamy's Hard (3.95 stars, 131 notes)
Download: Chata - Dango Daikazoku (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
lowest diff made on the earlier osu! client
Pre-osu Easy - Digitalfear117
Normal - me
Hard - Velamy
The Hundred Dango Family - me
iSlodinx / ?