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Index » Beatmaps » Ranked/Approved Beatmaps » Pavolia Reine - Gate Open: START! (Short Ver.)

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4 months ago heart
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 23:51:58

Artist: Pavolia Reine
Title: Gate Open: START! (Short Ver.)
Tags: pop vtuber virtual youtuber hololive idol electronic indonesia indonesian 2nd second generation farhan sarasin farhansarasin original song kafaka kaiserweebs nakazawa holoid hololive-id
BPM: 129
Filesize: 5097kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:

Download: Pavolia Reine - Gate Open: START! (Short Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
img source

Beatmap taken from here

Earned 1 kudosu.

4 months ago
00:05:902 (1) - Slider conversion major warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. You must change this to a bezier
00:09:158 - I don't like that this sound isn't represented. I think you should do something here, it's a very large sound
00:13:344 (1) - Slider conversion major warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. You must change this to a bezier
00:53:809 - is missing (Finish) which exists in Collab Hard, Light Insane
01:04:042 - is missing (Clap) which exists in Collab Hard, Light Insane
01:08:926 (5) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
01:08:926 (1) - NC?

00:04:042 (1) - Slider conversion major warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. You must change this to a bezier
00:07:763 (1) - Slider conversion major warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. You must change this to a bezier
00:09:623 (1) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
00:11:484 (1,2,3) - I feel like this flow should be adjusted into the pattern so the players cursor isn't pointing towards 3. New players might miss 2 if they aren't paying attention
00:20:205 (4) - I feel like this is too hard for a normal difficulty. It's just unexpected in this difficulty, and doesn't happen later. I think it would be better to hit this sound as part of a slider or reverse slider like you do here 00:44:972 (1) -
00:22:414 (4) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
00:24:507 (1) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
00:34:740 (4) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
00:41:251 (3) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
00:49:391 (5) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
00:54:275 (1) - Slider conversion major warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. You must change this to a bezier
00:53:809 - is missing (Finish) which exists in Collab Hard, Light Insane
01:00:554 (2) - Slider conversion major warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. You must change this to a bezier
01:00:554 (2,3,4,1,2) - Take a look at this flow, this looks very confusing, even with hitanimations on your can still see the path is really cluttered. I feel like this will lead to reading misses for new players. Remember many new players will use skins with hitcircles on the sliderends Forum Image
01:02:181 (2,3,4) - Same general complaint here, hard to read with sliderends
01:06:251 - is missing (Finish) which exists in Collab Hard, Light Insane
01:08:926 (1) - Slider conversion major warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. You must change this to a bezier
01:13:809 (3) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
01:23:809 (1) - Did you intend for the whole slider to have a whistle here? It happens on all diffs right now
This difficulty has some difficult flow across the whole map, I would like it to get simplified a little bit, I pointed out most of the big ones, but there's a few small ones too

Collab Hard:
Tags on Hard do not match the other diffs

Inconsistent tags between Collab Hard and Easy, difference being "kaiserweebs nakazawa".

00:04:740 (2) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
00:57:530 - is missing (Clap) which exists in Easy, Normal

Light Insane:
You are missing the custom combo colors and slider border on this difficulty
It should look like this: Forum Image

00:17:065 - is missing (Finish) which exists in Easy, Normal, Collab Hard
00:50:088 (6) - Slider conversion major warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. You must change this to a bezier
00:56:832 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I feel like the gap is pretty large between 5 and 6 here considering the direction change, in your next burst section the distance is only 1.29x and the direction is way comfier since the players cursor is being led to the next burst (the next one I am referring to is at 01:04:275 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9))
01:06:251 (4) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
01:16:368 (9) - Slider conversion minor warning. This slider will not convert correctly to a catmull. Please change this to a bezier
18 posts
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2 months ago
Some of adjustment applied

517 posts
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2 months ago heart
i checked this map on my small laptop, since my main laptop has some problem

the map is fine ig, since i knew this map earlier when this submitted for the first time in bancho

this is my last bubble in 2024….
ss farming

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