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Index » Beatmaps » Ranked/Approved Beatmaps » Choi Yu Ree - Wish

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4 months ago heart
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 14:38:15

Artist: Choi Yu Ree
Title: Wish
Source: 갯마을 차차차
Tags: classical piano korean Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha Chachacha Seaside Village OST original soundtrack sound track
BPM: 114
Filesize: 6371kb
Play Time: 03:48
Difficulties Available:
  • Love (2.66 stars, 293 notes)

Download: Choi Yu Ree - Wish
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
memes aside, this song actually beautiful…

Love - me

Digitalfear117 / -Ady
ss farming

Earned 1 kudosu.

4 months ago
00:06:748 (1) - AiMod (and Mapset Verifier) is reporting this as being +6ms unsnapped
00:17:800 (3,1) - Think you can avoid this overlap?
00:19:379 (1) - AiMod (and Mapset Verifier) is reporting this as being +6ms unsnapped
00:50:695 (3) - I think this object would look better to the left instead of trying to blanket with 00:49:379 (2) -
01:07:800 (2,3,4,5) - I think cleaning up the aesthetics on this pattern to something like this would be nice
Forum Image

01:21:353 (5) - I really don't like this note. I would prefer if there instead was a single slider from 01:20:958 to 01:21:485.
01:33:590 (4,5) - Same thing as above
02:37:143 (5) - Same as above
02:49:774 (5) - Same as above

02:16:221 (1,1) - Can these be catmull please🥺

Replace this Bezier:
With this Catmull:

Replace this Bezier:
With this Catmull:

These look nearly identical, but I think the curve on the Catmull looks better Comparison below:
Forum Image
(The slider I provided you the code for would be in the same spot as the bezier, the above image was for comparison)

02:50:958 (1,2) - This sounds weird, I don't think this is right. How about a slider from 02:51:221 to 02:52:274?
03:17:274 (2,3,4,5) - I just think this looks a bit messy
03:22:537 (1) - Was this supposed to have the drum sampleset applied to it?
03:22:537 (1) - AiMod (and Mapset Verifier) is reporting this as being +6ms unsnapped
Last edited by Digitalfear117 4 months ago, edited 4 times in total.
517 posts
ID Flag

4 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

00:06:748 (1) - AiMod (and Mapset Verifier) is reporting this as being +6ms unsnapped
00:17:800 (3,1) - Think you can avoid this overlap?
00:19:379 (1) - AiMod (and Mapset Verifier) is reporting this as being +6ms unsnapped
00:50:695 (3) - I think this object would look better to the left instead of trying to blanket with 00:49:379 (2) -
01:07:800 (2,3,4,5) - I think cleaning up the aesthetics on this pattern to something like this would be nice
Forum Image

01:21:353 (5) - I really don't like this note. I would prefer if there instead was a single slider from 01:20:958 to 01:21:485.
01:33:590 (4,5) - Same thing as above
02:37:143 (5) - Same as above
02:49:774 (5) - Same as above

02:16:221 (1,1) - Can these be catmull please🥺

Replace this Bezier:
With this Catmull:

Replace this Bezier:
With this Catmull:

These look nearly identical, but I think the curve on the Catmull looks better Comparison below:
Forum Image
(The slider I provided you the code for would be in the same spot as the bezier, the above image was for comparison)

02:50:958 (1,2) - This sounds weird, I don't think this is right. How about a slider from 02:51:221 to 02:52:274?
03:17:274 (2,3,4,5) - I just think this looks a bit messy
03:22:537 (1) - Was this supposed to have the drum sampleset applied to it?
03:22:537 (1) - AiMod (and Mapset Verifier) is reporting this as being +6ms unsnapped

agreed all changes, except:

  • 00:17:800 (3,1) - it's intentional

  • all things that similar to 01:21:353 (5) - will be kept like that, pretty much suggestive issue for this one imo, i just think it is more fits with current state bcs i literally just emphasize the vocal there on blue tick.

  • 03:17:274 (2,3,4,5) - this looks fine, so will keep that
ss farming
293 posts
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Earned 2 kudosu.

3 months ago
00:25:432 (1,2,3,4) - i'd ctrl+g these for better follow
would be much nicer if 01:12:537 (4) - was on the line of 01:11:485 (2) -
Forum Image
01:13:064 (1) - x84 y144 and ctrl c + v here 01:14:643 (2) - then ctrl + g 01:14:643 (2)- so much better imo.
03:48:037 (4) - x256 y360?
" alt="Forum Image" loading="lazy">" alt="Forum Image" loading="lazy">
Forum Image
517 posts
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3 months ago
applied all -Ady's mods
ss farming

No kudosu yet.

3 months ago
Why are there two red lines at the end at 97 bpm? I don’t think the second one is needed. If it’s for volume or something shouldn’t be inherited?
517 posts
ID Flag

3 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Why are there two red lines at the end at 97 bpm? I don’t think the second one is needed. If it’s for volume or something shouldn’t be inherited?

intentional, for nightcore timing reset tho, that's why i added it, i don't wanna change it
ss farming
1908 posts
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Earned 1 kudosu.

3 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

01:21:353 (5) - I really don't like this note. I would prefer if there instead was a single slider from 01:20:958 to 01:21:485.
01:33:590 (4,5) - Same thing as above
02:37:143 (5) - Same as above
02:49:774 (5) - Same as above

i think so too, it doesn't play well, and there's better ways of doing this than what digital is suggesting (such as making 01:20:958 (4) - a 3/4 reverse slider so it catches the vocal without feeling weird)

also, please add a note at 03:47:418, you can't have it be empty…

otherwise, cool map!
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
517 posts
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3 months ago

Satori wrote:

i think so too, it doesn't play well, and there's better ways of doing this than what digital is suggesting (such as making 01:20:958 (4) - a 3/4 reverse slider so it catches the vocal without feeling weird)

also, please add a note at 03:47:418, you can't have it be empty…

otherwise, cool map!

applied ur suggestion and digital's mod
Last edited by arutama 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
ss farming

3 months ago bubble
After the rhythm change I’m happy with how this looks. Bubbled.
293 posts
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