This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 7:43:46 AM

Artist: Rib
Title: e-scape
Tags: Vocaloid Hatsune Miku Ananii Rib on Japanese Pop
BPM: 186
Filesize: 20017kb
Play Time: 03:10
Difficulties Available:
  • Evasion (5.06 stars, 747 notes)
  • Hard (3.24 stars, 437 notes)
  • Insane (4.02 stars, 618 notes)
  • Normal (2.64 stars, 327 notes)

Download: Rib - e-scape
Download: Rib - e-scape (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
MAP 32

Now is the time to run from their broken ideals and impossible future.

Map Progress
Evasion: 100% (25,842,200pts)
Insane: 100% (14,952,414pts)
Hard: 100% (7,603,870pts)
Normal: 100% (3,717,402pts)