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Index » Beatmaps » Pending Beatmaps » Highland - Solo Tu (Nightcore Mix)

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1 month ago
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 20 de Fevereiro de 2025 at 11:57:54

Artist: Highland
Title: Solo Tu (Nightcore Mix)
Tags: techno trance kurboh italian electronic bella stella andrea osuplayer111
BPM: 164,69
Filesize: 3094kb
Play Time: 02:35
Difficulties Available:

Download: Highland - Solo Tu (Nightcore Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#1(titanic) / #69 (bancho)
ready for rank
Tamamocore! 24-25 mapped on b1218 from 2010
Normal mapped on 2013 digital client
hitsounds by Andrea from the original 2010 set with permission

Normal: rc4322 (first time ever making a normal)
Hard: Kurboh
Tamamocore! 24-25: rc4322 / TamamoLover (me) (mapped from sep 2024 to jan 2025)
sqdnerd was going to make insane but hes busy, rip.
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1 month ago
omg this song!
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Earned 1 kudosu.

3 weeks ago
Don’t use blank files to silence the hitsounds on notes like at the end of insane. Instead match the lower intensity of the song by simply lowering the volume of the hitsounds.


00:18:796 (2,3,4) - I would avoid flow like this on Normal, I think new players will find this a bit tricky to read.
02:44:523 (1,2,3) - These objects sound off since the bpm of the map is slowing down in the end section.
02:37:237 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - The SV reduction here is pretty dramatic, I think instead I would do a slower ramp down of SV, or better yet just  decrease the distance snap a little.

00:43:388 (1,1,1,1) - I feel like you are really forcing these 1/6 notes in, to me these don’t really feel justified for the song or difficulty of an insane. Listen to this section without your notes, it’s actually relatively calm here.I think most of your 1/6 bursts have this issue.

Overall this map is pretty good. Just needs some hitsounds a hard diff, and some minor changes on the diffs that already exist
293 posts
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Earned 1 kudosu.

3 weeks ago
BPM - 164,695
Offset - 5333
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293 posts
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3 weeks ago
00:03:131 (1) - delete this spinner on both diff it's so random.
disable countdown on all diffs.
Last edited by Adri 3 weeks ago, edited 1 time in total.
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7 posts
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3 weeks ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Don’t use blank files to silence the hitsounds on notes like at the end of insane. Instead match the lower intensity of the song by simply lowering the volume of the hitsounds.
done, removed all blank .wavs


00:18:796 (2,3,4) - I would avoid flow like this on Normal, I think new players will find this a bit tricky to read.
adjusted a bit, i think it should be a lot better now
02:44:523 (1,2,3) - These objects sound off since the bpm of the map is slowing down in the end section.
simplified the last 3 objects to a 1.5 beat long slider, it still sounds off but it should be a lot better now

02:37:237 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - The SV reduction here is pretty dramatic, I think instead I would do a slower ramp down of SV, or better yet just  decrease the distance snap a little.
nerfed to 0.9x sv and 1.0ds

00:43:388 (1,1,1,1) - I feel like you are really forcing these 1/6 notes in, to me these don’t really feel justified for the song or difficulty of an insane. Listen to this section without your notes, it’s actually relatively calm here.I think most of your 1/6 bursts have this issue.
yeah, it was originally remnants from when i started and i wanted to overmap those, fixed

Overall this map is pretty good. Just needs some hitsounds a hard diff, and some minor changes on the diffs that already exist

Last edited by rc4322 3 weeks ago, edited 3 times in total.
7 posts
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3 weeks ago

Adri wrote:

BPM - 164,695
Offset - 5333

applied across all diffs
7 posts
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3 weeks ago

Adri wrote:

00:03:131 (1) - delete this spinner on both diff it's so random.
disable countdown on all diffs.


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3 weeks ago
Please don't forget to give kudosu if the mods were helpful :D
Yuki Yokoya
74 posts
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Earned 2 kudosu.

2 days ago
0-byte files.

Long periods without hit sounding.
01:53:168 - No hit sounds or sampleset changes from here to 02:46:721 -, (53.55 s).
01:16:555 - No hit sounds or sampleset changes from here to 01:45:882 -, (29.33 s).
^ ensure this makes sense because apparently mapset verifier hates this unless the program is wrong.

00:33:749 (4,5,6,7) - rhythmically sounds better when you ctrl + g this
02:22:677 (1,2,3) - ctrl + g this
02:23:406 (1,2,3) - ctrl + g this too
02:45:173 (1,1,1) - this supposed to be in 1/3 snap
02:47:997 (3) - either this is intentional or there supposed to be a mute sliderend to this
7 posts
PT Flag

1 day ago

Yuki Yokoya wrote:

0-byte files.
afaik these got deleted a while ago (check reply to digitalfear post) and my local copy doesen't have these files anymore, maybe an old copy?
edit: they sneaked back in and i didnt notice, fixed.

Long periods without hit sounding.
01:53:168 - No hit sounds or sampleset changes from here to 02:46:721 -, (53.55 s).
01:16:555 - No hit sounds or sampleset changes from here to 01:45:882 -, (29.33 s).
^ ensure this makes sense because apparently mapset verifier hates this unless the program is wrong.
i think the hitsounding is fine as is? it's using the original 2010 set's hitsounds, but if those are not enough i can do basic hitsounding on the missing sections if need be
edit: apparently the hitsound transfer went wrong. brb….
edit 2: fixed!!

00:33:749 (4,5,6,7) - rhythmically sounds better when you ctrl + g this
02:22:677 (1,2,3) - ctrl + g this
02:23:406 (1,2,3) - ctrl + g this too
02:45:173 (1,1,1) - this supposed to be in 1/3 snap
im a bit split, but this might be better for consistency, applied
02:47:997 (3) - either this is intentional or there supposed to be a mute sliderend to this
yea, i think something fucked up in the conversion while applying the hitsounds, fixed.

thx for mod
Last edited by rc4322 1 day ago, edited 6 times in total.

Earned 1 kudosu.

1 day ago
There is an unneeded red line at the start of the map. You should remove this.

00:09:704 (4,5,1) - keep your flow simple of low diffs, new players will click from the first slider to the tail of the second slider every time
00:12:254 (2,3) - ^
00:13:347 (3,1) - ^
00:18:812 (2,3,4) - ^
00:42:492 (4,1,2,3) - ^ this one is really bad
00:52:328 (1,2) - I’d make this a little less ambiguous too
00:54:514 (5) - This slider feels really undermapped to me, don’t you think we should match the intensity of what you do before and after here?
01:22:566 (1,2,3) - This is wild to me, I know 3 appears pretty far after 1 but this is just a bit too spicy imo.
01:25:116 (4) - Move this over to the right at least
01:31:674 (1,2,3) - players are very likely to go from 1 to the tail of 3 and miss 2. Keep your flow simple, this isn’t a Hard or Advanced.
01:35:681 (3,4,1) - Same kinda issue
01:37:867 (2,3,4,5) - This is too much directional confusion for a normal
01:58:633 (1) - This is very ambiguous as to which is the head and tail
02:04:826 (3,4,5) - Same kinda issue here
02:10:655 (1,2) - ^
02:21:949 (5,1) - ^
02:34:700 (2) - ^
02:45:993 (2) - this spinner ends after the big finish instead of on it, what is this on? I moved it back
7 posts
PT Flag

1 day ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

There is an unneeded red line at the start of the map. You should remove this.
adjusted timing to 3875 offset on all diffs and removed extra redline

00:09:704 (4,5,1) - keep your flow simple of low diffs, new players will click from the first slider to the tail of the second slider every time
00:12:254 (2,3) - ^
00:13:347 (3,1) - ^
00:18:812 (2,3,4) - ^
00:42:492 (4,1,2,3) - ^ this one is really bad
00:52:328 (1,2) - I’d make this a little less ambiguous too
blanket sure for up to here
00:54:514 (5) - This slider feels really undermapped to me, don’t you think we should match the intensity of what you do before and after here?
while i think it's personally fine, i see where you're coming from, adjusted
01:22:566 (1,2,3) - This is wild to me, I know 3 appears pretty far after 1 but this is just a bit too spicy imo.
01:25:116 (4) - Move this over to the right at least
01:31:674 (1,2,3) - players are very likely to go from 1 to the tail of 3 and miss 2. Keep your flow simple, this isn’t a Hard or Advanced.
01:35:681 (3,4,1) - Same kinda issue
01:37:867 (2,3,4,5) - This is too much directional confusion for a normal
01:58:633 (1) - This is very ambiguous as to which is the head and tail
02:04:826 (3,4,5) - Same kinda issue here
02:10:655 (1,2) - ^
02:21:949 (5,1) - ^
02:34:700 (2) - ^
blanket sure for up to here, although 1:31-2:34 might need an extra recheck or 2 since i had to adjust more than a couple notes and some other places where it might be ambiguous
02:45:993 (2) - this spinner ends after the big finish instead of on it, what is this on? I moved it back
moved back

Last edited by rc4322 1 day ago, edited 1 time in total.

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