This mapset has many issues in it’s current state:
General: your timing is incorrect. There should not be two 130 bpm timing points. Also the map’s timing begins to drift off around the 2 minute mark, this will likely need slight timing adjustments around there. I recommend using Tempora to time this song.
Spread: your lower difficulties are not of rankable quality.
Audio: your MP3’s bitrate is too high. The limit is 192kbps for mp3, and 208 for ogg
Song choice: This is personal opinion, but this song is too simple and repetitive to make for an engaging and interesting osu! map. It lacks a wide variety of sounds to keep things interesting for you the mappers, and also for the players.
You choose to hitsound entire sliders rather than individual parts of sliders (the head, reverse arrow, and the tail). Which causes sliders to be obnoxiously loud due to using the normal sampleset exclusively, and the overpoweringly loud hitsound volume.
This difficulty is funny, but simply doesn’t make sense with the lack of a proper easy difficulty. This difficulty also just overstays it’s welcome, it’s far too long and playing it becomes a challenge simply due to boredom. Ultra beginner diffs like this should be limited to shorter songs imo
00:04:074 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I understand that this is supposed to be a theme or gimmick of this set, however circle overlaps are supposed to be completely avoided in a normal difficulty
00:55:074 (7,1,2) - Keep your flow simple, new players will get confused as their reading is usually very poor still, they are likely to click on 2 before 1 because of the way you set up the objects.
01:41:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This flow is too difficult as well, overlaps on itself should be avoided on a normal
01:43:766 (1,2) - Same issue
01:52:997 (3) - Avoid having so many reverse arrows on sliders like this, it’s confusing for new players and the back to back nature of these leads to boring gameplay overall.
The ending half has many of the same flow related issues
Zai Mix:
To me, the use of “Mix” in the difficulty means it’s going to at least at least an insane in difficulty. Yes, there are mix difficulties that may be more similar to Hard’s by todays standards, however having Ino mix be an insane diff makes this feel like the odd one out. As is the naming of this does not truly give an indication that this is supposed to be an easier maps than the top diff. This is especially a problem because older clients have terrible star rating algorithms.
The 2x slider velocities in this difficulty don’t feel justified in a song like this. This song lacks a true kiai/chorus section, but that doesn’t mean you can randomly start overemphasizing sounds.
I personally feel that object placement across this diff is just a mess. It’s visually messy and it’s slow is nonsensical
Ino Mix:
Out of all of the difficulties, this one to me feels like the most successful attempt at creating a retro 2009 style diff. It’s simple flow with old style slider shapes. I don’t have too many conceptual issues here.