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Index » Beatmaps » Pending Beatmaps » The Queenstons - What You Do (Cut Ver.) [Taiko|OsuMania|Osu]

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1 week ago bubblepop
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 07 February 2025 at 13:54:23

Artist: The Queenstons
Title: What You Do (Cut Ver.)
Source: The Queenstons - What You Do EP
Tags: lapfox halleylabs halley queenstons
BPM: 175
Filesize: 6918kb
Play Time: 02:39
Difficulties Available:

Download: The Queenstons - What You Do (Cut Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

cool song i suppose

Glitterfusion's Kantan - Glitterfusion
Collab Futsuu - Me, Yurizono Seia
Kagamine Rin's Muzukashii - [Kagamine Rin]
Seia's Oni - Yurizono Seia
DK's Inner Oni - Donkey Kong
Cold Blood - Me

H1Pur's Free Will - H1Pur H1Pur (not on titanic RIP)

Kurboh's Hot Water - Satori

For Ranked
Donkey Kong
4 posts
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Earned 1 kudosu.

1 week ago
!!For the Muzukashii!!

Add katsu at 00:06:947 and 00:12:433.
Both are good follow-ups to the next 3 notes ahead of them, 2 notes instead feel a bit empty.

Move don (24) from 00:14:318 to 00:14:490, just makes more sense given the audio.

01:14:318 - Add a don here, I do hear how it goes to the vocals, but this way the pattern ends on the beat of the song as well.

01:22:033 - Add a katsu here, it feels a bit empty.

01:25:290 (75) - Move forward by one tick, fits the song better/has more flow.

01:25:976 - Add a don here, feels better to connect to 83, 84, and 85 afterwards.

01:32:147 - Same as 01:14:318 only I am not sure what this is going to.

01:32:661 - Add a don, makes sense to end off the triplet.

01:36:261 - Same as 01:25:290.

01:47:233- Same as above.

01:54:604 - Add a don to end off this section, maybe.

Starting at 01:42:090 add a katsu and removed the don in the following triplet due to density issues. Also shown below.

Forum Image

Forum Image

Could also do the same thing on 01:54:090 - add a don here and removed a katsu in the middle of the following triplet due to too much density.

Both of these changes would help the map go with the song much better.
[Kagamine Rin]
45 posts
NL Flag

No kudosu yet.

1 week ago

Donkey Kong wrote:

!!For the Muzukashii!!

Add katsu at 00:06:947 and 00:12:433.
Both are good follow-ups to the next 3 notes ahead of them, 2 notes instead feel a bit empty.

Move don (24) from 00:14:318 to 00:14:490, just makes more sense given the audio.

01:14:318 - Add a don here, I do hear how it goes to the vocals, but this way the pattern ends on the beat of the song as well.

01:22:033 - Add a katsu here, it feels a bit empty.

01:25:290 (75) - Move forward by one tick, fits the song better/has more flow.

01:25:976 - Add a don here, feels better to connect to 83, 84, and 85 afterwards.

01:32:147 - Same as 01:14:318 only I am not sure what this is going to.

01:32:661 - Add a don, makes sense to end off the triplet.

01:36:261 - Same as 01:25:290.

01:47:233- Same as above.

01:54:604 - Add a don to end off this section, maybe.

Starting at 01:42:090 add a katsu and removed the don in the following triplet due to density issues. Also shown below.

Forum Image

Forum Image

Could also do the same thing on 01:54:090 - add a don here and removed a katsu in the middle of the following triplet due to too much density.

Both of these changes would help the map go with the song much better.

01:22:033 - not applied due 2/1 gap RC
01:25:118 - i think u mean this moved to 01:25:290 - ? (same for the other stamp w similar suggestion)
01:25:976 (81) - will add k instead flows better than d
01:32:661 not applied due 2/1 gap RC
01:54:604 -not applied due 2/1 gap RC

stuff that isnt mentioned means i applied

Donkey Kong
4 posts
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No kudosu yet.

1 week ago
[ Deleted ]
Donkey Kong
4 posts
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No kudosu yet.

1 week ago

Kagamine Rin wrote:

01:22:033 - not applied due 2/1 gap RC
01:25:118 - i think u mean this moved to 01:25:290 - ? (same for the other stamp w similar suggestion)
01:25:976 (81) - will add k instead flows better than d
01:32:661 not applied due 2/1 gap RC
01:54:604 -not applied due 2/1 gap RC

stuff that isnt mentioned means i applied

I was wrong about a mod and I forgot about a mod, I meant moving 01:25:204 (75) back one tick.

The mod I forgot about was moving 01:43:033 (177) forward one tick, It was late when I looked this over.

Other than that, everything is fine.
Donkey Kong
4 posts
US Flag

No kudosu yet.

[Kagamine Rin]
45 posts
NL Flag

No kudosu yet.

1 week ago

Donkey Kong wrote:

I was wrong about a mod and I forgot about a mod, I meant moving 01:25:204 (75) back one tick.

The mod I forgot about was moving 01:43:033 (177) forward one tick, It was late when I looked this over.

Other than that, everything is fine.
yep fixed now
39 posts
GB Flag

6 days ago
04/02/25 -
pushed H1Pur's mania diff
pushed update on Rins Muzu

still need kurbohs standard finished

finally moved to WIP because i realised it was in pending mb

starting work on futsuu
Last edited by willow 6 days ago, edited 1 time in total.
39 posts
GB Flag

5 days ago

willow wrote:

04/02/25 -
pushed H1Pur's mania diff
pushed update on Rins Muzu

still need kurbohs standard finished

finally moved to WIP because i realised it was in pending mb

starting work on futsuu

finished futsuu

fucked around with od/hp values, someone shout at me if its wrong :3
243 posts
CL Flag

2 days ago bubble
No problems about any diff, map is good to go! :D
Sata Andagi!

Earned 1 kudosu.

2 days ago bubblepop

mp3 needs to be 192kbps mp3, or 208kbps ogg

Inconsistent tags between Glitterfusion's Kantan and Kurboh's Hot Water, difference being "kurboh".
Inconsistent tags between Cold Blood and Kurboh's Hot Water, difference being "kurboh".
Inconsistent tags between Collab Futsuu and Kurboh's Hot Water, difference being "kurboh".
Inconsistent tags between Kagamine Rin's Muzukashii and Kurboh's Hot Water, difference being "kurboh".
Inconsistent tags between Seia's Oni and Kurboh's Hot Water, difference being "kurboh".
Inconsistent tags between DK's Inner Oni and Kurboh's Hot Water, difference being "kurboh".

Kurboh's [in] Hot Water:

This diff needs hitsounds

Default combo colours without preferred skin.

Here's some colors picked by the automatic combo color picker in my modded client, feel free to pick your own colors if you want

Combo1 : 188,115,40
Combo2 : 148,98,68
Combo3 : 46,31,43
Combo4 : 93,66,72

Collab Futsuu:

01:07:974 - Circle unsnapped by -2 ms.

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