Artist: The Queenstons
Title: What You Do (Cut Ver.)
Source: The Queenstons - What You Do EP
Tags: lapfox halleylabs halley queenstons
BPM: 175
Filesize: 6918kb
Play Time: 02:39
Difficulties Available:
- Cold Blood (5.38 stars, 967 notes)
- Collab Futsuu (2.73 stars, 426 notes)
- DK's Inner Oni (4.56 stars, 867 notes)
- Glitterfusion's Kantan (1.29 stars, 166 notes)
- H1Pur's Free Will - 4Key (3.36 stars, 1434 notes)
- Kagamine Rin's Muzukashii (3.81 stars, 561 notes)
- Kurboh's Hot Water (3.65 stars, 530 notes)
- Seia's Oni (4.31 stars, 505 notes)
Download: The Queenstons - What You Do (Cut Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
cool song i suppose
Glitterfusion's Kantan - Glitterfusion
Collab Futsuu - Me, Yurizono Seia
Kagamine Rin's Muzukashii - [Kagamine Rin]
Seia's Oni - Yurizono Seia
DK's Inner Oni - Donkey Kong
Cold Blood - Me
H1Pur's Free Will - H1Pur H1Pur (not on titanic RIP)
Kurboh's Hot Water - Satori
For Ranked