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Index » Beatmaps » Pending Beatmaps » Goose house - 18sai

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majikiti girl
18 posts
RU Flag

3 days ago
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, March 14, 2025 at 9:15:16 PM

Artist: Goose house
Title: 18sai
Tags: jpop j-pop japanese pop jyuu-ha sai jyuuhassai じゅうはっさい 神田莉緒香 工藤秀平 なんだ神田k.k. kanda rioka kudou shuuhei nanda kanda k.k.
BPM: 128
Filesize: 4913kb
Play Time: 04:02
Difficulties Available:
  • Insane (3.97 stars, 629 notes)

Download: Goose house - 18sai
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
inspired by original ctb map
sliders converted from perfect curve to bezier with digital client by digitalfear (i think this client should be credited bc it can save many time and bc its goated client)
1967 posts
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3 days ago
checked the map, i'm not really a fan personally, though i see potential still, so i'll give some feedback
rhythm and visuals seem good for the most part, but i feel like movement is bad and spacing feels random so i never know when to hit notes

heres some specifics:
- 00:18:925 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - example with this pattern, spacing between 00:18:925 (2,3) - is very large as opposed to what it previously was like, and you'd expect 00:19:862 (3,4) - to be just as large or similar in size, yet the spacing becomes super small suddenly, throwing the player off, then the player adjusts to the small spacing between that and 00:20:800 (4,5) - it suddenly increases in spacing between 00:22:675 (5,1) - and it's a 1/2 rhythm so a player is completely thrown off
- there are a couple of instances in the map where a player gets thrown off due to weird spacing like 00:33:690 (4,5,6) - 01:02:987 (3,4,5) - 01:34:862 (4,5,6,7,8) - and more
- 01:10:487 (1,2,3) - for patterns like these, i'm unsure about, i personally dislike them, but i wanna hear from other people how they feel

that's all i'll say, i wish i could comment more, but i don't have time xp
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Earned 1 kudosu.

2 days ago
Hi, let's discuss a little bit about this map!

I think the rhythm choice leaves the map feeling very unrepresented.

There are lots of opportunities to play off of the rhythms this song presents, but a lot of the time it seems like you simplify the rhythms, which feels odd to me on an Insane. Let's take a note like this 02:02:284 (1) - if we are following the vocals, it would sound better to put a slider from 02:02:284 - 02:02:518 and 02:02:753 - 02:02:987. Then following up, we have these three sliders 02:03:456 (3,4,5), which contribute to this entire section feeling bland. Having something to break up these repeated sliders would go a long way. Even something simple like changing 02:03:456 (3) - to be a circle at 02:03:456 and 02:03:690. I understand this is a slower section of the song, but there's simply other ways to represent that (lower distance, slower sv, etc). Then the part that confuses me the most in this little section. If we were simply just following the vocals, there would be no need for 02:05:565 (7) - to be mapped, it's not on a vocal. if we are following just whatever loud sound exists on white ticks you when then think that there would be something here at 02:05:800, this sound is really prominent to just ignore imo (unless you are only mapping vocals). Idk just kind of odd. I think your kiai hits a lot better than your slow sections.

03:05:566 (10) - This hurts my soul, why is the loud sound at 03:05:800 passive :(
03:11:776 - a circle would go really hard here! Play into the sounds you do have, don't simplify!

I'm not crazy about the break, just map it imo.

Omg there is so many more active rhythms mapped after the last kiai, where were these in the other none kiai sections! You know what to do don't hold back! This is an insane after all!

Your hitsounding is obviously very work in progress, however I did find these clap sounds cute in the first kiai like 01:20:331 (6) - I hope you continue to do more stuff like this.

Satori wrote:

01:10:487 (1,2,3) - for patterns like these, i'm unsure about, i personally dislike them, but i wanna hear from other people how they feel
In my opinion, patterns like this are actually extremely fitting for an insane difficulty in a song like this, and offer great aim feedback.

On the more technical side, Titanic highly discourages and often marks maps as unrankable with Perfect Curve sliders. These are the default type of the slider clients after October 2012 use when you create 3 point sliders (without red anchors). The reason being that this curve type doesn't exist on older clients. You can use my modded client to convert these easily to bezier and retain the basic shape of them :D. You can select all the sliders in my client and hit CONTROL + SHIFT + C to open up the Slider Converter tool.

I think this map offers a lot of promise, you are not a bad mapper by any means. Keep cooking and exploring your concepts. I think your kiai was executed a lot better than most of the slow sections, and if done again I think you should offer better aim contrast, sv contrast, or something other than nuking your rhythm choices.
majikiti girl
18 posts
RU Flag

2 days ago
edited to reduce unwanted space wasted by multi-quote. original message can be found here
Last edited by majikiti girl 1 day ago, edited 1 time in total.
1617 posts
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2 days ago
Quote inception weee
majikiti girl
18 posts
RU Flag

2 days ago

Levi wrote:

Quote inception weee

so true lmao
majikiti girl
18 posts
RU Flag

9 hours ago
i think it can be ranked now. please check. thanks!
[Kagamine Rin]
55 posts
NL Flag

Earned 1 kudosu.

7 hours ago
00:32:987 (3) - Consider making this a 1/2 instead of a 3/4 and add a note on 00:33:339 - so the vocal is clickable

00:34:393 (2) - same here but Slider Convert to 1/2 notes to add feedback

same for 00:55:487 (3) - 00:57:362 (3) - 00:59:706 (4) - 01:00:643 (6) - 01:48:690 (4) -

00:35:564 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i feel like its better if u could turn 00:36:151 (4) - 00:37:090 (4) - into a 1/4 slider cause i understand ur following vocals in here but ur leaving a clear beat out on 00:36:268 - 00:37:206 - by having them as a note so i would recommend turning those into a 1/4 slider to still prioritize vocals nd having the clear beat mapped

same for 00:50:800 (1,2,3,1,1,2,3) - 01:54:549 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -

00:38:846 (4) - would consider making this a 3/4 slider nd put a note on 00:39:315 - for clear feedback

00:40:487 (4) - 1/2 nd map the blue tick for sound on 00:40:721 -

00:45:526 - missing note

02:00:409 (6) - missing new combo u have used Vocals resets as new combos in here so would be nice if u make this a new combo aswell

03:51:502 (5,6,1) - Wouldnt recommend Stacking these as u mainly used stacking for 1/4 rhythms so its easy to missread to have a 1/2 stacked under a slider as this is the first time it happened throughout the song

00:26:190 (4) - also happens here ig intro but i think its better to have the 1/2 gaps not stacked at all cause it also leave inconsistencies with 00:28:065 (9,4,4) - etc

majikiti girl
18 posts
RU Flag

6 hours ago

Kagamine Rin wrote:

00:32:987 (3) - Consider making this a 1/2 instead of a 3/4 and add a note on 00:33:339 - so the vocal is clickable

00:34:393 (2) - same here but Slider Convert to 1/2 notes to add feedback

same for 00:55:487 (3) - 00:57:362 (3) - 00:59:706 (4) - 01:00:643 (6) - 01:48:690 (4) -

00:35:564 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i feel like its better if u could turn 00:36:151 (4) - 00:37:090 (4) - into a 1/4 slider cause i understand ur following vocals in here but ur leaving a clear beat out on 00:36:268 - 00:37:206 - by having them as a note so i would recommend turning those into a 1/4 slider to still prioritize vocals nd having the clear beat mapped

same for 00:50:800 (1,2,3,1,1,2,3) - 01:54:549 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -

00:38:846 (4) - would consider making this a 3/4 slider nd put a note on 00:39:315 - for clear feedback

00:40:487 (4) - 1/2 nd map the blue tick for sound on 00:40:721 -

00:45:526 - missing note

02:00:409 (6) - missing new combo u have used Vocals resets as new combos in here so would be nice if u make this a new combo aswell

03:51:502 (5,6,1) - Wouldnt recommend Stacking these as u mainly used stacking for 1/4 rhythms so its easy to missread to have a 1/2 stacked under a slider as this is the first time it happened throughout the song

00:26:190 (4) - also happens here ig intro but i think its better to have the 1/2 gaps not stacked at all cause it also leave inconsistencies with 00:28:065 (9,4,4) - etc


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