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Index » Beatmaps » Beatmap Graveyard » Turbo - PADORU / PADORU [CatchTheBeat]

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7 months ago
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 10:07:43 AM

Artist: Turbo
Source: Fate/EXTRA
Tags: car artoria pendragon saber turboautism eurobeats nero claudius christmas xmas remix edit hashire sori yo kaze no you ni tsukimihara wo japanese anime electronic video game jingle bells
BPM: 190
Filesize: 2165kb
Play Time: 00:32
Difficulties Available:

Download: Turbo - PADORU / PADORU
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Cup by Lucario
Salad by Lucario
Platter by Lucario
Rain by Lucario
Overdose by Lucario

Earned 1 kudosu.

7 months ago
Here are some mods. You will want to rework your difficulties, as they have odd scaling issues across your spread, hitsounding issues, and rhythm issues.


Please make it so the diff names do not all start with PADORU. It gives the player no real information about what difficulty they are looking it.

You have muted hit objects. This should never happen in CtB

00:11:353 (2) - 5% volume circle, this may be hard to hear over the song.

00:11:352 (7) - 5% volume circle, this may be hard to hear over the song.
Salad, Rain, and Platter dash emphasis inconsistencies

Dash Emphasis Inconsistencies:

00:02:590 (5) - This requires a dash in Salad, but not in Platter, or Rain!
00:05:116 (5) - This requires a dash in Salad, but not in Platter, or Rain!
00:07:643 (7) - This requires a dash in Salad, but not in Platter, or Rain!

You should keep the emphasis consistent between difficulties if you believe this should be emphasized. There are probably more examples, but I just pointed out ones at the start.

Downbeats not emphasized with dashes:

00:08:590 (1) - This is both a loud sound and the start of a new beat, why doesn't this have dash emphasis? Please do a check across your difficulties to make sure this doesn't happen

Slider velocity:

Your slider velocity is the same across all difficulties except Overdose! This should scale across difficulties, increasing some as they go up.

Rhythm differences:

Why does your Salad have more rhythm emphasis than your higher difficulties at the start? Take objects like 00:01:327 (2) - these are sliders on all above salad, but then on Salad they are both circles (and actively mapped as movement ). This doesn't make any sense, why should this be harder on Salad compared to Platter, Rain, and overdose?


Your hitsounds all over the place man. First of all, when you hitsounds sliders, you should be hitsounding the head, tail, or reverse arrow, not the entire slider body. Doing it this way leads to obnoxious prolonged hitsounds. It is very rare that you need to do this.
Secondly your hitsounds are not even close to being consistent. why is an object like 00:20:748 (4) - a clap on Salad, nothing on Cup, Clap on Platter, Whistle on Rain, and nothing on Overdose? I recommend you make a hitsound difficulty, and copy the hitsounds to every difficulty using Mapping Tools.


Your cup difficulty has way too much movement, this is supposed to be relaxing and to get the player to start to learn how to move their platter.
00:05:748 (1,2) - This has no movement but 00:03:537 (1,2) - does?
00:08:906 (1,2,3,4) - Why is this 1.8 DS? In a cup??

I think you should rework these difficulties, they just aren't ready for rank
Last edited by Digitalfear117 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
5 posts
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7 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

You have muted hit objects. This should never happen in CtB

What do you mean muted hit objects?

Earned 1 kudosu.

7 months ago
If the hitsound volume is 5% or lower it's basically muted, the player will not hear any hit sound
Last edited by Digitalfear117 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

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