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Index » Beatmaps » Ranked/Approved Beatmaps » Jun Maeda - RING RING RING! (Cut Ver.) [Osu|CatchTheBeat|Taiko]

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7 months ago
HP is the same on both Hard and Insane btw, might want to buff Insane by 1
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6 months ago
timing seems slightly off to me. 225 sounds more accurate
also having n/h/i with the same cs is kinda weird and unsettling, try making some contrast between each other

01:10:021 (6) - nc
01:13:955 (6) - ^

Digitalfear117 wrote:

HP is the same on both Hard and Insane btw, might want to buff Insane by 1

agree w this

set overall looks fine, lmk on discord to do a recheck

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6 months ago
If you check the offset on an older client (such as b20130303) you will find that this offset is actually correct. This audio file seems to get delayed on new clients
[Kagamine Rin]
54 posts
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6 months ago
CTB Mods
00:04:857 - till 00:11:004 - inconsistent dashes with the hard sounds try nd make them either all dashes for stronger sounds such as
00:04:857 -
00:08:053 -
as for now u have some hard beats r dashes nd some arent, either space the walkables out a bit more so it becomes a bit more clear they have to dash

00:35:594 (1) - is really tight + antiflow makes it weird u could make it into a vertical so its less punishing to play

00:49:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - would be cool if u split this into groups of 2 ( note 1 dash note 2 walk ) so u can emphasize the instruments as the blueticks dont sound as intense as the other ticks

00:57:726 (4,5,6) - space this out a bit more like u did in 00:53:545 (3,4,5) - for consistency

01:01:414 (2,3,4,5,6) - cute patern would maybe space the 4 out more to make it not just a stand still

01:02:152 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - same for here but the 11 pretty much for all these paterns through out the map

since u decided to map 01:54:283 - u should probably map that section till 02:00:676 -

General CTB diff mod
00:15:922 - till 00:27:725 - needs to be mapped less intense since sorta a calmer part of the song nd this is kinda what feels bit too difficult compared to the rest of the map for now i think it has way too many wiggles + anti flow wich is something u dont wanna do for a calmer section
522 posts
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6 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

HP is the same on both Hard and Insane btw, might want to buff Insane by 1

> Yeah, buffed
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6 months ago

kanocchi wrote:

timing seems slightly off to me. 225 sounds more accurate
also having n/h/i with the same cs is kinda weird and unsettling, try making some contrast between each other

> Digitalfear117 already explained about the timing issue, I did this intentionally to support the older clients for the offset. Will keep it

> will keep CS for Normal and Hard on 3, changed CS for Insane to 4

kanocchi wrote:

01:10:021 (6) - nc
01:13:955 (6) - ^

> NCed both timestamps
Last edited by arutama 6 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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6 months ago
Mods by Rin
CTB Mods
00:04:857 - till 00:11:004 - inconsistent dashes with the hard sounds try nd make them either all dashes for stronger sounds such as
00:04:857 -
00:08:053 -
as for now u have some hard beats r dashes nd some arent, either space the walkables out a bit more so it becomes a bit more clear they have to dash

00:35:594 (1) - is really tight + antiflow makes it weird u could make it into a vertical so its less punishing to play

00:49:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - would be cool if u split this into groups of 2 ( note 1 dash note 2 walk ) so u can emphasize the instruments as the blueticks dont sound as intense as the other ticks

00:57:726 (4,5,6) - space this out a bit more like u did in 00:53:545 (3,4,5) - for consistency

01:01:414 (2,3,4,5,6) - cute patern would maybe space the 4 out more to make it not just a stand still

01:02:152 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - same for here but the 11 pretty much for all these paterns through out the map

since u decided to map 01:54:283 - u should probably map that section till 02:00:676 -

General CTB diff mod
00:15:922 - till 00:27:725 - needs to be mapped less intense since sorta a calmer part of the song nd this is kinda what feels bit too difficult compared to the rest of the map for now i think it has way too many wiggles + anti flow wich is something u dont wanna do for a calmer section

00:04:857 - till 00:11:004 - changed spacings to not require a dash (it only did because i was told to buff, i didnt really think it fit having them in the first place tbh)

00:15:922 - till 00:27:725 - reworked a lot of distances to play a bit better/easier however i really enjoy the wiggles so they stay for now

00:35:594 (1) - is really only really tight when you are very lazy with your movement but moved the sliderhead in a gridspace

00:49:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - changing this pattern makes it feel weird, i'm completely ignoring the 1/1&1/2 sounds and only focusing on the more powerful 1/4 throughout it

00:57:726 (4,5,6) - and 00:53:545 (3,4,5) - have different intensities so i'm keeping as is because that would make it feel off

01:01:414 (2,3,4,5,6) - they CAN be stood however it's very very unclear that they can be and it's kinda precise so i'm not changing
01:02:152 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - ^

after 01:59:939 - there is pretty much no audio so it wouldnt make any sense to put a note there, if anything 01:58:955 (9,10,11,12,13) - would be removed however there is still audio + finishing the dying off curve i made

i did add on two new inherited lines tho
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[Kagamine Rin]
54 posts
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6 months ago

Nikku wrote:

Mods by Rin
CTB Mods
00:04:857 - till 00:11:004 - inconsistent dashes with the hard sounds try nd make them either all dashes for stronger sounds such as
00:04:857 -
00:08:053 -
as for now u have some hard beats r dashes nd some arent, either space the walkables out a bit more so it becomes a bit more clear they have to dash

00:35:594 (1) - is really tight + antiflow makes it weird u could make it into a vertical so its less punishing to play

00:49:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - would be cool if u split this into groups of 2 ( note 1 dash note 2 walk ) so u can emphasize the instruments as the blueticks dont sound as intense as the other ticks

00:57:726 (4,5,6) - space this out a bit more like u did in 00:53:545 (3,4,5) - for consistency

01:01:414 (2,3,4,5,6) - cute patern would maybe space the 4 out more to make it not just a stand still

01:02:152 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - same for here but the 11 pretty much for all these paterns through out the map

since u decided to map 01:54:283 - u should probably map that section till 02:00:676 -

General CTB diff mod
00:15:922 - till 00:27:725 - needs to be mapped less intense since sorta a calmer part of the song nd this is kinda what feels bit too difficult compared to the rest of the map for now i think it has way too many wiggles + anti flow wich is something u dont wanna do for a calmer section

00:04:857 - till 00:11:004 - changed spacings to not require a dash (it only did because i was told to buff, i didnt really think it fit having them in the first place tbh)

00:15:922 - till 00:27:725 - reworked a lot of distances to play a bit better/easier however i really enjoy the wiggles so they stay for now

00:35:594 (1) - is really only really tight when you are very lazy with your movement but moved the sliderhead in a gridspace

00:49:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - changing this pattern makes it feel weird, i'm completely ignoring the 1/1&1/2 sounds and only focusing on the more powerful 1/4 throughout it

00:57:726 (4,5,6) - and 00:53:545 (3,4,5) - have different intensities so i'm keeping as is because that would make it feel off

01:01:414 (2,3,4,5,6) - they CAN be stood however it's very very unclear that they can be and it's kinda precise so i'm not changing
01:02:152 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - ^

after 01:59:939 - there is pretty much no audio so it wouldnt make any sense to put a note there, if anything 01:58:955 (9,10,11,12,13) - would be removed however there is still audio + finishing the dying off curve i made

i did add on two new inherited lines tho

still think u should make 00:07:070 (3) - 00:08:791 (2) - 00:11:004 (3) - a bit closer i think since theyre hard to walk w the non stop movement kinda would be better if u DS the entire begin ngl would look cleaner nd plays a bit nicer

should probably delete everything after 01:54:283 - as the std side non of them have it mapped after that stamp so i assume that would lead to missing hs aswell after that point

i think the rest should be fine

Last edited by [Kagamine Rin] 6 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
22 posts
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6 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

If you check the offset on an older client (such as b20130303) you will find that this offset is actually correct. This audio file seems to get delayed on new clients

it's not though… before writing my mod i took into consideration that older versions might use another BASS library.

b1122 and i still find 225 more correct than current offset
Last edited by kanocchi 6 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
22 posts
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6 months ago bubble
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Earned 1 kudosu.

6 months ago
question about CTB diff, are there supposed to be no hitsounds?
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
70 posts
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6 months ago
gonna bubble it even my laptop still not fix yet :'(
"Respect my autoritah" - Eric Cartman

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6 months ago
Taiko diff incoming by Willow
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6 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Taiko diff incoming by Willow

gimme a bit lmao
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6 months ago

Kurboh wrote:

question about CTB diff, are there supposed to be no hitsounds?

fixed the hitsounds issue without nomination reset :thumbsup:
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