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Index » Beatmaps » Ranked/Approved Beatmaps » Jennifer Stigile - Wind Nocturne (The Boat Song)

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6 months ago heart
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 28. rujan 2024. at 22:14:03

Artist: Jennifer Stigile
Title: Wind Nocturne (The Boat Song)
Source: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
Tags: anime english brandy199 flash Kyoko Hikami 氷上恭子 風のノクターン noriyuki iwadare working designs shii's song 2chan 4chan
BPM: 85
Filesize: 10850kb
Play Time: 02:02
Difficulties Available:

Download: Jennifer Stigile - Wind Nocturne (The Boat Song)
Download: Jennifer Stigile - Wind Nocturne (The Boat Song) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
mapset 12


update 1: Digitalfear117 mod
update 2: Digitalfear117 timing
update 3: kanocchi mod
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
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6 months ago
i made another diff for the set, maybe now its pending time?

also, need help with metadata, source and all that
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
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Earned 1 kudosu.

6 months ago
Source is “Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete”
Song title is “Wind's Nocturne (Luna's Boat Song)”
Artist is “Jennifer Stigile”

This is a pitch increased version. I feel like adding (Pitch Increased Version) to the title and making it “Wind's Nocturne (Luna's Boat Song) (Pitch Increased Version)“ is the most accurate.

I really wish you had used the original mp3 instead. I think this version is a bit tacky, but I’ve never liked this kind of thing. Maybe a separate link to a version that uses the original mp3 could be included in the description
Kyoko Hikami sang the Japanese version of this song (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NUqyI5YihQY), this is the english version by Jennifer Stigile 

Add brandy199, flash, Kyoko Hikami, 氷上恭子, 風のノクターン, Noriyuki Iwadare, Working Designs to the tags

4chan and 2chan seem irrelevant or minor in terms of tags, as this really was a popular flash video from back in the day. However you can keep them if you want


No kudosu yet.

6 months ago
Your timing falls apart in the kiai, you should give this a serious timing pass throughout the map. It’s really bad after 01:29:888. I don’t think this can be bubbled till that happens

Lower diff: 
00:50:166 (1,2) - I hate this. Don’t go out of your way to follow the vocal on the slider head, then ignore the vocal right after it in favor of the beat right after D: personally i’d remove the circle and extend the slider to 00:51:927.
01:34:989 (1) - This reverse arrow hits nothing ??? Same with 01:47:695 (3) -

Higher diff
01:03:930 (6) - what is your obsession with reverse arrows landing on nothing
1906 posts
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6 months ago
hey digital, great news, decided i'll use the original song as opposed to the pitched version, as a result, will add shii's song in tags instead, along with all your other metadata stuff c:

Digitalfear117 wrote:

? Your timing falls apart in the kiai, you should give this a serious timing pass throughout the map. It’s really bad after 01:29:888. I don’t think this can be bubbled till that happens - i'll need extra help with that ngl ^^;

Lower diff: 
O 00:50:166 (1,2) - I hate this. Don’t go out of your way to follow the vocal on the slider head, then ignore the vocal right after it in favor of the beat right after D: personally i’d remove the circle and extend the slider to 00:51:927.
O 01:34:989 (1) - This reverse arrow hits nothing ??? Same with 01:47:695 (3) - keeping second one, changing first one

Higher diff
X 01:03:930 (6) - what is your obsession with reverse arrows landing on nothing - i blame old mappers doing that, also, it's supposed to be a copy of 01:01:332 (1)

thanks for helping with metadata and the mods!
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
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No kudosu yet.

6 months ago
Damn, no kudosu for the metadata digging? D:
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6 months ago
ohh, it wasn't worth two kudosu? fine
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
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5 months ago
timing fixed to the best of my ability ig
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

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5 months ago
What about a timing point at 01:12:680 for ~84.8 bpm, then another at 01:35:297 for 85.0 again? That sounds closer to me. I don’t like that we get a dirty timing point at 01:12:680, but i suspect there was a cut here or something. At the very least, the timing is off after 01:12:600, so something is going to need to be done. I can look at it harder when we have power again
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5 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

What about a timing point at 01:12:680 for ~84.8 bpm, then another at 01:35:297 for 85.0 again? That sounds closer to me. I don’t like that we get a dirty timing point at 01:12:680, but i suspect there was a cut here or something. At the very least, the timing is off after 01:12:600, so something is going to need to be done. I can look at it harder when we have power again

hmm, it does sound correct, but then the next timing points sound wrong…
i think ill ask someone else for help
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

Earned 1 kudosu.

5 months ago
I did some really dirty timing on this uh good luck idk lmao
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5 months ago
applied and changed slightly
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
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5 months ago
The video still has an audio track btw
1906 posts
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5 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

The video still has an audio track btw

yep, done
also, had some trouble with uploading the map, but now it should be fine
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
19 posts
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Earned 2 kudosu.

4 months ago
according to the official album, title should be: Wind Nocturne (The Boat Song)

[Now all I need desperately…]
song is kinda slow for already having 0.8x SV. mind making it 1x? :3

[Is my star to come…]
01:14:799 (5,6) - ik this is supposed to do a blanket, but spacing wise doesn't represent the rhythm (ie. 01:12:676 (1,2,3) - this follows the same and is more spaced). moving 01:15:506 (6) - more to the center keeps the blanket and gives more visual spacing
01:35:829 (3,4) - ^
02:02:691 (4) - burai? try making it more intuitive since this is a lot faster than the other diff one and it's harder to predict

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