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Index » Beatmaps » Pending Beatmaps » Icon For Hire - Make a Move (Sped Up & Cut Ver.) [Osu|Taiko]

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2 weeks ago
back to wip since i wanna wait for willow to finish doin mapping stuff :3

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2 weeks ago

willow wrote:

would love to have a look back over at my taiko diff if you wouldn't mind?

done and made a muzu :)

can defo go back to pending!
Last edited by willow 2 weeks ago, edited 1 time in total.
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2 weeks ago
go taiko boy go

(btw its back to pending)
Last edited by kyooti 2 weeks ago, edited 1 time in total.

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2 weeks ago
if were going through with rank, dont forget to add me to tags on my diffs, shouldve done it myself but im a melon :)
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2 weeks ago

willow wrote:

if were going through with rank, dont forget to add me to tags on my diffs, shouldve done it myself but im a melon :)

added names to tags :)

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[Kagamine Rin]
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2 weeks ago
heya some thoughts about Easy diff: i think it would be better if u were to put base SV 0.8 so the Spacings/Slider speed wont be high, would try nd not Use 1/2 rhythms as you did in 00:15:243 (4,5) - since its really confusing for a newer player at 200bpm, Its okay to use Redtick rhythms on a easy but it should have atleast a 1/1 gap for this bpm

Some general tips:
Combos: for combos i would suggest trying to put combos on Big whiteticks only on easy diffs like this 00:11:688 (1) - here is a good New combo mostly for the intro youve done it pretty well i would try nd do this for the Kiai aswell Example: 00:30:648 (5) - Should be a New combo since its a Start of a Kiai and its very outstanding

Pathing: Try nd have some Clearer pathing for Easy diffs so Sliders and objects are easier to follow Something you did in the Kiai works outs pretty okay for reading 00:31:833 (3,1,2,3,1) - this is easy to read wich is good i wouldnt suggest Pathings such as 00:10:503 (4,5,1) - since its get very clustered

00:37:905 (1) - this Spinner gap is too small would give it atleast a 4/1 gap so its easier to aim towards the next object

Some consistency things i would try nd make similar sounding things have the same rhythm such as 00:41:312 (4) - is a 2/1 slider so it would be nice if u could do it for 00:43:682 - this aswell meaning you could 00:43:386 (3) - split this up into a note into a 2/1 slider on the big white tick

00:47:829 (1,2,3,4) - this is highly Discouraged to do since 200 bpm nd patterns this spread from eachother are sorta like jumps

Long story short: Try nd make stuff that sounds the similar have the same Rhythm nd try to make the Pathing more clear through out the section, Lower Base SV to 0.8 or 0.75 nd only Use SV 1.0 with DS 1.0 throughout the difficulty!

If you need any help with this diff further or want me to recheck just let me know, i will look at the other diffs later most likely
[Kagamine Rin]
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2 weeks ago
Mods for Willow Top diff:
would Consider adding a note on 00:13:318 - since i assume ur following vocals (would make it k)
00:15:095 (27,28) - Ctrl+G for emphasize on 00:15:243 -

00:18:058 - would make it a tripplet since the guitar strum sound (would make 00:18:206 - an K aswell since it sounds the same as 00:18:428 (45,46) - )

00:22:501 - add note here aswell (d) for the outstanding vocals nd could remove 00:23:982 (70) - afterwards

00:23:982 (67,68) - ctrl G for emphasize

00:25:167 - add note (d) same for 00:27:537 -

00:30:277 (106,107) - i think Ctrl+g would work slightly better on this since both vocals are on the white/red tick

Make finishers on: ( for consistency with 00:30:648 (109,110) - )
00:31:833 (116,117) -
00:31:833 (116,117,124,126) -
00:34:202 (133,135) -
00:35:387 (141,142) -
00:36:572 (149,150) -
00:37:757 (157) -

if you want you could add notes on:
00:32:647 -
00:33:832 -
00:36:202 -
00:37:387 - to improvise rhythm its allowed in taiko to do this **

00:40:053 (171,172) - would make one of them an k cause double d with finishers are highly discouraged

Could also improvise rhythms on stuff such as 00:40:794 - so its not just tripplets through out!

00:40:127 - for this section id suggest fixing the rhythm consistency first before getting mods on the patterns i feel like its sorta hard to point out on how to help structuring due the rhythm

00:48:496 (16,18) - would remove these 2 since the song gets less intense after 00:48:422 - so i think following vocals would suit here a bit better

Yuki Yokoya
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2 weeks ago
Incorrect format of (TV Size) / (Game Ver.) / (Short Ver.) / (Cut Ver.) / (Sped Up Ver.) / etc in title.
"nightcore" in tags, consider "(Sped Up & Cut Ver.)" instead of "(Nightcore & Cut Ver.)" in romanized title.
"nightcore" in tags, consider "(Sped Up & Cut Ver.)" instead of "(Nightcore & Cut Ver.)" in unicode title.

you should probably remove nightcore in tags

Object too close or far away from previous.
00:15:243 (4,5) - Distance/time ratio is 0.1, expected 0.27.
00:46:052 (4,5) - Distance/time ratio is 0.55, expected 0.34.
00:47:829 (1,2) - Distance is 130 px, expected 96, see 00:47:237 (6,1) -.
Too short spinner time or spinner recovery time.
00:37:905 (1,1) - Spinner recovery time is too short (592 ms, expected 1334).

I think CS should be 4 but its subject to no change anyway
00:13:170 (8,9) - this overlap looks kinda ugly you should probably space out the 9 a little bit
00:39:387 - is this supposed to put a circle in there or leave it blank? it feels ehh to me
00:44:126 (1,2) - uhh idk man to me looks like this circle on blue tick does not click into the rhythm at all unless i am tone-deaf

[Heart Attack]
00:34:202 (4,5) - honestly move this slider to a white tick instead of putting it on the red tick and put a circle in the red tick as well
00:44:126 (1,2) - this looks kinda weird imo you should probably make it like this
Last edited by Yuki Yokoya 2 weeks ago, edited 2 times in total.
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2 weeks ago
I think CS should be 4 but its subject to no change anyway
00:13:170 (8,9) - this overlap looks kinda ugly you should probably space out the 9 a little bit
00:39:387 - is this supposed to put a circle in there or leave it blank? it feels ehh to me
00:44:126 (1,2) - uhh idk man to me looks like this circle on blue tick does not click into the rhythm at all unless i am tone-deaf

could change cs but star rating feels to close to the expert diff

fixed 00:13:170 (8,9)

it was intentional to not have a note there, added a finish at the last note. 00:39:239 (10)

i was following the lyrics at the end, if more people have issues about this then i will change it.

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2 weeks ago
should i remove easy diff, im not a big fan of it

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2 weeks ago

scrimmy wrote:

should i remove easy diff, im not a big fan of it

i dm'd u earlier when i finished the normal diff that i think the map doesn't really need a easy diff, it's up to u if u want to keep it or not
ss farming

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2 weeks ago
I agree with arutama, the easy diff needs to be remapped or removed
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2 weeks ago
removed easy diff.

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2 weeks ago
Hi, time for some mods.


In order to make maps compatible with older clients, we don’t allow mappers to use Perfect Curve sliders in mapping, luckily we have an easy way to convert these to the older more compatible Bezier type. In my modded osu! client, you can select all objects, and press CONTROL + SHIFT + C. This will open up the Perfect Curve Converter tool. You can use the Easy converter option, and hit okay. Please do this for all the diffs you made.

There is kind of huge gap between Normal and Hard, to me it feels like we could use an Advanced diff ngl. I’ll let other BAT’s weigh in. Gap between Normal -> Hard is 1.3, Hard to Insane is 0.6, Insane to Top is 0.5. If there were a diff that was 2.9* the diffs would be evenly spread in difficulty. Maybe ask someone for a GD?


This is subjective, however i feel like you should lower the tail of this slider a bit 00:09:911 (3) - so it doesn’t overlap the following 00:10:652 (5).

00:15:984 (9,1) - You quite commonly do this pattern here, where you have a very small gap in the notes but a 1/4 gap in rhythm. Players are likely to tap early on object 1 so I recommend making sure the distance spacing is still roughly 1.0 like with your other objects. You will want to do this for all the 1/4 gaps like this.

At 00:32:869 (4) - you choose to use a kick slider, but on the higher difficulty of Insane you used a more simple rhythm of just using a slider, I would flip these so there is a progression between Hard > Insane > Top diff

00:43:978 (8,1) - Don’t decrease the spacing in the middle of the kiai like this, this is 0.7 where the rest or the kiai is roughly 1.2

00:48:422 (5,6) - At the end of the map you have a nice spacing increase, but then that increase dies on 5-6, which seems weird as it’s the climax, why not keep the spacing large on 5 and 6 too? Maybe make it a little smaller than 1-4 but not as small as the earlier kiai section.

The Hard is pretty good, i just think your spacing emphasis should be a little more consistent, like how i pointed out above.
Last edited by Digitalfear117 2 weeks ago, edited 2 times in total.
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2 weeks ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Hi, time for some mods.


In order to make maps compatible with older clients, we don’t allow mappers to use Perfect Curve sliders in mapping, luckily we have an easy way to convert these to the older more compatible Bezier type. In my modded osu! client, you can select all objects, and press CONTROL + SHIFT + C. This will open up the Perfect Curve Converter tool. You can use the Easy converter option, and hit okay. Please do this for all the diffs you made.

There is kind of huge gap between Normal and Hard, to me it feels like we could use an Advanced diff ngl. I’ll let other BAT’s weigh in. Gap between Normal -> Hard is 1.3, Hard to Insane is 0.6, Insane to Top is 0.5. If there were a diff that was 2.9* the diffs would be evenly spread in difficulty. Maybe ask someone for a GD?


This is subjective, however i feel like you should lower the tail of this slider a bit 00:09:911 (3) - so it doesn’t overlap the following 00:10:652 (5).

00:15:984 (9,1) - You quite commonly do this pattern here, where you have a very small gap in the notes but a 1/4 gap in rhythm. Players are likely to tap early on object 1 so I recommend making sure the distance spacing is still roughly 1.0 like with your other objects. You will want to do this for all the 1/4 gaps like this.

At 00:32:869 (4) - you choose to use a kick slider, but on the higher difficulty of Insane you used a more simple rhythm of just using a slider, I would flip these so there is a progression between Hard > Insane > Top diff

00:43:978 (8,1) - Don’t decrease the spacing in the middle of the kiai like this, this is 0.7 where the rest or the kiai is roughly 1.2

00:48:422 (5,6) - At the end of the map you have a nice spacing increase, but then that increase dies on 5-6, which seems weird as it’s the climax, why not keep the spacing large on 5 and 6 too? Maybe make it a little smaller than 1-4 but not as small as the earlier kiai section.

The Hard is pretty good, i just think your spacing emphasis should be a little more consistent, like how i pointed out above.

fixed these issues, lmk if theres still anything wrong and i'll try to fix them.

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