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Index » Beatmaps » Ranked/Approved Beatmaps » Marcus Schossow & Arston - The Universe (Cut Ver.)

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6 months ago heart
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, August 23, 2024 at 14:56:00

Artist: Marcus Schossow & Arston
Title: The Universe (Cut Ver.)
Tags: Take sinyus20 electronic instrumental edm bigroom revealed recordings
BPM: 128
Filesize: 3657kb
Play Time: 01:20
Difficulties Available:

Download: Marcus Schossow & Arston - The Universe (Cut Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Cool song I found when I was still 12 years old lol

Easy - me
Normal - me
Normal (2022) - me [old diff]
Hard - me
Hard (2022) - me [old diff]
Universe - sinyus20 [known as Take]

Digitalfear117 / ?
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Earned 1 kudosu.

6 months ago
Sing’s Insane:

This kiai is kind of odd to me. 
00:51:742 (1,2,3,4) - why is the spacing on these sliders so low, then the following pattern seems to have too high of spacing 00:53:617 (1,2,3,4,5,6). Like i get 1 having that big spacing, and this having jumps, but it just feels weird that this is treated with such large spacing compared to whats before.

01:01:585 (1,2) - I feel like the spacing emphasis should be on 1, not 2. Just like what happens later on 01:08:617 (1) -

This difficulty lacks a lot of the tapping emphasis of Hard (2022), that diff utilized a lot of triples really well, where this one seems only focused on aim. I understand this is a gd from stable, so idk if they will want to change things in a major way, but i feel like this diff could really benefit from more tapping to balance it out.

I don’t have any issues with the other difficulties, i think they are good

No kudosu yet.

6 months ago
Also which normal diff did we lose lol, let’s add it back in too. The more the merrier :D
517 posts
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6 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Sing’s Insane:

This kiai is kind of odd to me. 
00:51:742 (1,2,3,4) - why is the spacing on these sliders so low, then the following pattern seems to have too high of spacing 00:53:617 (1,2,3,4,5,6). Like i get 1 having that big spacing, and this having jumps, but it just feels weird that this is treated with such large spacing compared to whats before.

> agreed, spacing increased as suggested

Digitalfear117 wrote:

01:01:585 (1,2) - I feel like the spacing emphasis should be on 1, not 2. Just like what happens later on 01:08:617 (1) -

> i think current one is fine, will keep it instead

Digitalfear117 wrote:

This difficulty lacks a lot of the tapping emphasis of Hard (2022), that diff utilized a lot of triples really well, where this one seems only focused on aim. I understand this is a gd from stable, so idk if they will want to change things in a major way, but i feel like this diff could really benefit from more tapping to balance it out.

>that's the point, hard diff for tapping focus, while insane for aim focus, will keep them as they are.

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Also which normal diff did we lose lol, let’s add it back in too. The more the merrier :D

> added the 2022 diff
ss farming
630 posts
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6 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

Sing’s Insane:

This kiai is kind of odd to me. 
00:51:742 (1,2,3,4) - why is the spacing on these sliders so low, then the following pattern seems to have too high of spacing 00:53:617 (1,2,3,4,5,6). Like i get 1 having that big spacing, and this having jumps, but it just feels weird that this is treated with such large spacing compared to whats before.

01:01:585 (1,2) - I feel like the spacing emphasis should be on 1, not 2. Just like what happens later on 01:08:617 (1) -

This difficulty lacks a lot of the tapping emphasis of Hard (2022), that diff utilized a lot of triples really well, where this one seems only focused on aim. I understand this is a gd from stable, so idk if they will want to change things in a major way, but i feel like this diff could really benefit from more tapping to balance it out.

I don’t have any issues with the other difficulties, i think they are good

Who is Sing
i love CLANNAD
517 posts
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ss farming

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6 months ago
There's two distance snap issues on Normal (2022) according to mapset verifier. I also confirmed in game that this is the case as well

00:19:632 (6,1) - Distance is 206 px, expected 163, see 00:18:929 (4,5) -.
00:31:820 (2,3) - Distance is 87 px, expected 113, see 00:31:117 (1,2) -.
517 posts
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5 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

There's two distance snap issues on Normal (2022) according to mapset verifier. I also confirmed in game that this is the case as well

00:19:632 (6,1) - Distance is 206 px, expected 163, see 00:18:929 (4,5) -.
00:31:820 (2,3) - Distance is 87 px, expected 113, see 00:31:117 (1,2) -.

> fixed both distance snap issues
ss farming

5 months ago bubble
Looks good, bubbled
630 posts
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5 months ago heart
i'm the one of the OGs who was there at that time where arutama started mapping, looks simple and nice, for me it's good to go!
i love CLANNAD

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