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Beatmap Listing » Neon Genesis Evangelion - Cruel Angel's Thesis

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Artist: Neon Genesis Evangelion Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Cruel Angel's Thesis HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: LuigiHann Accuracy:
Length: 1:29
Source: Genre: Anime (Japanese) BPM: 129
May 18, 2008
May 27, 2008
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
Renamed difficulties. I felt they needed to be named after characters, but couldn't come up with a logical order... so I ended up ranking them based on how easy they are to boss around.
Thanks to everyone who helped with the timing.

Edit: Added Jamespacing to hard mode.
DE Flag Stinkster is in the lead! (4 months ago)
Score 901,104 (99.18%) Grade S
Max Combo 192
300 / 100 / 50 161 / 2 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 30
Katu (Beat!) 1
Mods DT

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 901,104 99.18% DE Flag Stinkster 192 67 161 / 2 / 0 30 1 0 DT
#2 Grade S 873,487 96.32% US Flag ibce 192 49 154 / 9 / 0 23 8 0 DT
#3 Grade S 835,136 97.96% GR Flag geodec29 192 30 158 / 5 / 0 28 3 0 HR
#4 Grade S 833,645 97.55% LT Flag ignasblaz1000 192 29 157 / 6 / 0 26 5 0 HR
#5 Grade X 810,594 100.0% HR Flag Satori 192 25 163 / 0 / 0 31 0 0 None
#6 Grade S 795,930 97.96% BY Flag zverhome 192 20 158 / 5 / 0 26 5 0 None
#7 Grade B 666,202 83.23% PL Flag meowspaper 192 10 123 / 36 / 4 10 17 0 None
#8 Grade C 317,325 77.3% NL Flag flix 101 13 110 / 45 / 6 6 20 2 HDDT
#9 Grade C 178,518 73.42% DE Flag MertDengiz1 70 2 103 / 46 / 8 8 13 6 None