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Beatmap Listing » fripSide - only my railgun

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Artist: fripSide Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: only my railgun HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: James Accuracy:
Length: 2:01
Source: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Genre: Anime (Japanese) BPM: 143
Jul 17, 2010
Dec 04, 2010
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
I was just bored when making this map..
I just want to map my own version..
Before I started mapping... The exact same patterns as you see in hard including the hitsounds has already planned in my stupid brain.
Song was edited to be almost the same as the insert song at ep12..

Lossless version of this song is uploaded somewhere in this thread.
No records have been set for this game mode yet!