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Beatmap Listing » Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata - LONELY ROLLING STAR

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Artist: Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Star Difficulty:
Creator: MetalMario201 Accuracy:
Length: 3:36
Source: Katamari Damacy Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 170
Sep 24, 2008
Nov 23, 2008
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata - "LONELY ROLLING STAR" is heard on the second stage, "Make-a-Star #2," in the original Katamari Damacy.

Yes, it might be the most overrated song in the game, but it's a good one. Hard is quite a long map, but I find it fun, and I hope you do, too! The easier difficulties stop after the second chorus.

BAT #1: m980
BAT #2: Hitoshirenu Shourai

Oct. 3, 2008: Added Normal difficulty. Fixed some spacing and other tweaks on Hard. Extended two sliders on Hard for a max combo of 1001.
Oct. 6, 2008: Added Easy difficulty. Spotted a few more spacing errors and fixed them.
Oct. 6, 2008: Raised the difficulty and drain rate on Hard up by one level (were previously the default). Added a small section in around 3:38 in Hard to split up the break. Fixed a few misc. spacing errors.
Oct. 7, 2008: Fixed some suggestions from awp.
Oct. 8, 2008: Replaced backdrop with something different from that used by Katamari on the Rocks. (and fittingly "lonely")
Oct. 14, 2008: Using awpset of 885. Fixed some suggestions from MaxwellDemon on IRC, along with various spacing errors I found on Medium.
Oct. 18, 2008: Recalculated all breaks to the new timing.
Oct. 20, 2008: Replaced a section near the beginning of Easy with something both more interesting and which should weird out awp less.
Oct. 20, 2008: Uploaded awp's "awptense" diffiuclty. Also added soft sections to the other difficulties to be more consistent, and because they sound better. Lowered the slider tick rate on Normal and Hard to 1.
Oct. 27, 2008: Added awp's custom hitcircles! (with some improvements ;)) Also added some custom sliderballs to go with. Thank you, awp!
Nov. 9, 2008: Small change to a timing section on Hard to fix the osu! throbber's timing. (Inheritence sections should always be placed on white ticks.)
Nov. 9, 2008: Switched hitsound timing sections on awptense to use inheritence. Realigned all inheritence sections to white ticks. (Basically added 1ms to some of them.) Resnapped all difficulties and recalculated breaks. Improved the sliderballs to remove the most obvious case of judder on the shading--the center yellow ball. (The rest still judders, albeit less noticeably. I see no pressing need to fix this, plus it would require much effort.)
Nov 20, 2008: Improved sliderballs further, eliminating all judder.
Nov. 22, 2008: Shortened Hard and awptense to the length of Easy and Normal, at the demand of m980.
Nov. 23, 2008: Added shortened mp3 to save disk space. Audacity is a bitch, so I had to adjust all the offsets.
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