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Beatmap Listing » xi - Ascension to Heaven

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Artist: xi Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Ascension to Heaven HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Kirino Kousaka Accuracy:
Length: 2:35
Source: BMS Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 200
Jul 04, 2012
Dec 05, 2023
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 1 times in total Users that love this map:
This map is dedicated to Bobo, my friend. Goodbye~ :(
My 5th Submitted map, Now pending!~ Mods are now accepted :D
Please Re-download if you downloaded this before Jan. 24, 2013

This is originally a map of Bobo. (Original Map link.) He quit osu! due to some bad reasons and he gave me the permission to continue this map.
Easy - Complete (by: Kirino Kousaka)
Normal - Complete (by: Kirino Kousaka)
Hyper - Complete (by: Ra-s)
Another - Complete (by: Copter-kun) Freshly Remapped~
Taiko Oni - Complete (by: Love)
Bobo - Complete (by: Bobo) For App~
Taiko Inner Oni - Complete (by: Firce777) For App~

Download Love's Taiko Inner Oni here!
Simply drag the .zip file onto your osu! client~

Bobo wrote:

I plan on quitting osu! shortly for a number of reasons.
Kirino has my permission to claim the mapset as he seems most eager to have it ranked.
Thank you all for helping develop this mapset, and I am sorry to be leaving you all.
Ciao, Bobo.
deadbeat for helping me with this map's problem lately
No records have been set for this game mode yet!