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Index » Beatmaps » Mapping Discussion » Map Requests » Lia - Farewell Song

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1795 posts

4 months ago osu
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2033524#osu/4240804 old style, the hard diff would need the CS modified, but that is the only thing
1094 posts

4 months ago
Please note that this forum topic was imported from the Titanic Discord server.
You might encounter some unusual formatting or messages that seem out of context.

4 months ago
old mapping seems like

4 months ago
!addset 2033524
1094 posts

4 months ago

Adachi wrote:

!addset 2033524

[Beatmapset was created. (1 edited)](http://osu.lekuru.xyz/s/2033524)

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