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Index » Beatmaps » Mapping Discussion » Map Requests » Take A Hint - Nightcore

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tri = 3 angles = 90 degrees, 90 + 3 = 93… what is 93, I don't know… but fucking triangles? what happened in 1993 something… THE FALL OF ESCOBAR titanic = sink, sinking is falling… that means tringles will kill osu! titanic.

Hello i am {0x52, 0x65, 0x74, 0x61, 0x72, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64}
1094 posts

2 months ago
Please note that this forum topic was imported from the Titanic Discord server.
You might encounter some unusual formatting or messages that seem out of context.
1795 posts

2 months ago
This map needs the offset changed by -34 ms
Last edited by Digitalfear117 2 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
1795 posts

2 months ago
It should be 6078
1795 posts

2 months ago
Also, this map is really bad
1795 posts

2 months ago
I played this in multi years ago, well before I opened up the editor
1795 posts

2 months ago
And even then I didn't like it lol
1795 posts

2 months ago
Wtf is this in the hard diff

1795 posts

2 months ago
They just went mode what the hell
1795 posts

2 months ago
This map needs work to be loved even imo

2 months ago
after looking at it a few ima pass on this

2 months ago
same here

2 months ago
i will mark it as rejected then for now

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