Artist: Y&Co.
Title: Sweet Rain feat. Karin
Source: REFLEC BEAT limelight
Tags: Akira Yokota Tetsuya Tamura BEST HIT YCO DanceDanceRevolution Dance Revolution DDR plus + KONAMI Style コナミスタイル jubeat knit ユビート Full Version Digitalfear117 AFB autofanboy alienflybot Del -Del- Momoxrito123, -MomoX Nosuri Xinely - M i K u - ZiRoX Kanari xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx Hanjamon Rumia- MoeMoeKyunNN Arzenvald ajeemaniz ExUsagi japanese video game
BPM: 155
Filesize: 11666kb
Play Time: 03:31
Difficulties Available:
- AFB's Craving (4.92 stars, 984 notes)
- ajee's MX - 7Key (5 stars, 2289 notes)
- Del's Sweet Rain (4.81 stars, 894 notes)
- Digitalfear117's Salad (4.71 stars, 468 notes)
- Hanjamon's Inner Oni (4.83 stars, 1564 notes)
- Hanjamon's Muzukashii (4.58 stars, 678 notes)
- Hanjamon's Oni (4.83 stars, 1204 notes)
- -MomoX's 100x C12H22O11 and Precipitaion (4.98 stars, 765 notes)
- Rumi's EX - 7Key (5 stars, 3038 notes)
- Rumi's HD - 7Key (5 stars, 1907 notes)
- Rumi's NM - 7Key (3.63 stars, 1088 notes)
- Xinely's Platter (4.98 stars, 704 notes)
- ZiRoX's Rain (5 stars, 719 notes)
Download: Y&Co. - Sweet Rain feat. Karin
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This is set is compromised of diffs from many different sets from Bancho to make one complete set for Titanic. Storyboard used with permission by the creator.
Diffs were taken from the following sets: