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Index » Beatmaps » Ranked/Approved Beatmaps » Dream Dance Alliance - Fly Away (Cut Ver.)

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2 months ago heart
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 3. veljača 2025. at 12:09:26

Artist: Dream Dance Alliance
Title: Fly Away (Cut Ver.)
Tags: trance techno electronic english instrumental hands up kurboh -ady adri saintdeer
BPM: 138
Filesize: 4844kb
Play Time: 02:23
Difficulties Available:

Download: Dream Dance Alliance - Fly Away (Cut Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
mapset 40

made my own dream dance alliance map cuz Adri makes them really well!

thanks Adri/-Ady for the guest diff and (most) hitsounds <3
also, thanks saintdeer for the guest diff!

update 1: Digitalfear117 mod
update 2: saintdeer difficulty
update 3: arutama mod
update 4: Digtialfear117 mod (again)
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
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2 months ago
someone mod this >_<
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1964 posts
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2 months ago

Adri wrote:

someone mod this >_<

yeaaa, i'll send it to modders
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

Earned 1 kudosu.

2 months ago
-ady where is the rest of the map….?

you can't just end this diff a minute before the top diff >:(

Check off the epilepsy warning

-Ady's Dream:
02:04:932 (5,11) and 02:08:410 (6) - these reverse arrow sliders don't do a great job of emphasizing the active nature of this section in my opinion. I'd like to see 02:05:367, 02:07:106, and the 3rd one be active and clicked.
The ending of the song should be mapped, leaving it like this is very unsatisfying, and would not be rankable on bancho like this, so it shouldn't be rankable here

00:58:193 (7) - I kinda wish this was a slider so you could feel the song fade out, i much prefer how this was done on ady's
01:55:585 (1) - I do wish this wasn't in the same position as the start of the next stream, even just a tiny bit higher
02:50:585 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This seems so odd, you can hear the drum beat is at full intensity by the end of the slider, but instead of just starting the burst you are holding for the slider? not crazy about that.
1964 posts
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2 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

O Check off the epilepsy warning - but there's a somewhat flashy storyboard? fine

O 00:58:193 (7) - I kinda wish this was a slider so you could feel the song fade out, i much prefer how this was done on ady's - happy you pointed that out, added it to my diff
O 01:55:585 (1) - I do wish this wasn't in the same position as the start of the next stream, even just a tiny bit higher - moved it away
X 02:50:585 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This seems so odd, you can hear the drum beat is at full intensity by the end of the slider, but instead of just starting the burst you are holding for the slider? not crazy about that. wanted to keep it consistent with 02:35:585 (4,5) - sooo, i'll keep it for now, but if another modder complains, i'll change

thanks for mod!
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
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1 month ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

-ady where is the rest of the map….?

you can't just end this diff a minute before the top diff >:(

umm i can? there are many maps that end like this and that's perfectly fine.

-Ady's Dream:
02:04:932 (5,11) and 02:08:410 (6) - these reverse arrow sliders don't do a great job of emphasizing the active nature of this section in my opinion. I'd like to see 02:05:367, 02:07:106, and the 3rd one be active and clicked.

sorry i like it so i'll keep it >_<

The ending of the song should be mapped, leaving it like this is very unsatisfying, and would not be rankable on bancho like this, so it shouldn't be rankable here

i've seen maps like this before so it's fine.
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1964 posts
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1 month ago
update, added saintdeer's diff
also, shortened the audio cuz saintdeer also mapped until the point ady did, so for consistency, i cut my diff too and shortened the audio
Last edited by Satori 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

1 month ago bubble
This solution works quite nice. I like Saintdeer’s diff as well. Do you still have contact with them? I’d like to push their heaven when you kiss me map.

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1 month ago
mod mod mod pls dick dick pogkurac
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522 posts
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1 month ago

  • [!] The BG on the top diff is not in the same position as on all other difficulties, in the .osu on most of the set the bg is at 0,0:

    But on the top diff, it is at 1,1 causing the bg to move when switching diffs:

    Would definitely change it back into 0,0

  • [!] saintdeer's diff still have an epilepsy warning btw


-Ady's Dream

  • [!] 00:58:193 (1) - Mapset Verifier told me that this slider tail unsnapped by 2.63 ms. Please fix if possible


  • 02:25:367 (8) - thoughts on NC-ing this
ss farming
56 posts
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1 month ago
[ Deleted ]
56 posts
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1 month ago

arutama wrote:


  • [!] The BG on the top diff is not in the same position as on all other difficulties, in the .osu on most of the set the bg is at 0,0:

    But on the top diff, it is at 1,1 causing the bg to move when switching diffs:

    Would definitely change it back into 0,0

  • [!] saintdeer's diff still have an epilepsy warning btw


-Ady's Dream

  • [!] 00:58:193 (1) - Mapset Verifier told me that this slider tail unsnapped by 2.63 ms. Please fix if possible


  • 02:25:367 (8) - thoughts on NC-ing this

keep the offset bg it goes hard :fire:
1964 posts
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1 month ago

arutama wrote:


  • O The BG on the top diff is not in the same position as on all other difficulties, in the .osu on most of the set the bg is at 0,0:

    But on the top diff, it is at 1,1 causing the bg to move when switching diffs:

    Would definitely change it back into 0,0 - funny how that happens

  • O saintdeer's diff still have an epilepsy warning btw - removed


-Ady's Dream

  • X 00:58:193 (1) - Mapset Verifier told me that this slider tail unsnapped by 2.63 ms. Please fix if possible - this will have to stay so the mapset has consistent offset on all diffs


  • X 02:25:367 (8) - thoughts on NC-ing this - no thanks

thanks for mod c:
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

Earned 1 kudosu.

1 month ago
your reasoning for not fixing the unsnapped slider is not sufficient. consistency at the cost of an unsnap is not reasonable. if being consistent is such a priority than saintdeer's diff must have these timing points

00:58:193 - Missing uninherited line, see [-Ady's Dream].
01:01:889 - Missing uninherited line, see [-Ady's Dream].
00:58:193 - Missing uninherited line, see [Trance].
01:01:889 - Missing uninherited line, see [Trance].

make it truly consistent in player execution, not in perceived greenlines. the player experience is what needs to be consistent
Last edited by Digitalfear117 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.
1964 posts
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1 month ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

your reasoning for not fixing the unsnapped slider is not sufficient. consistency at the cost of an unsnap is not reasonable. if being consistent is such a priority than saintdeer's diff must have these timing points

00:58:193 - Missing uninherited line, see [-Ady's Dream].
01:01:889 - Missing uninherited line, see [-Ady's Dream].
00:58:193 - Missing uninherited line, see [Trance].
01:01:889 - Missing uninherited line, see [Trance].

make it truly consistent in player execution, not in perceived greenlines. the player experience is what needs to be consistent

fixed that
also, fixed sliderend ig, i really don't believe that one was an issue still xp
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

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