This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 14. srpanj 2024. at 2:39:54
Artist: B0UNC3
Title: Crying Soul (DJ Splash Remix)
Tags: instrumental electronic techno trance 2006
BPM: 147
Filesize: 6182kb
Play Time: 04:09
Difficulties Available:
Download: B0UNC3 - Crying Soul (DJ Splash Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
beatmap 1
welcome BSS to titanic!
Artist: B0UNC3
Title: Crying Soul (DJ Splash Remix)
Tags: instrumental electronic techno trance 2006
BPM: 147
Filesize: 6182kb
Play Time: 04:09
Difficulties Available:
- Hard Mix! (4,6 stars, 411 notes)
Download: B0UNC3 - Crying Soul (DJ Splash Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
beatmap 1
welcome BSS to titanic!