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Beatmap Listing » Eun Ji Won ft. Mr. Typhoon - Adios

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Artist: Eun Ji Won ft. Mr. Typhoon Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Adios HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: EiJi Accuracy:
Length: 3:21
Source: Genre: VideoGame (Korean) BPM: 123
May 18, 2008
May 19, 2008
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Been a while since my last foreign map. And by that I mean not Japanese. This is either Viet or Korean. And as you might've guessed, yep, another Audition song.

So yeah, I name it normal...I dunno... It's not normal, but it's not hard, but I can't think right now anyway, can barely keep my eyes open.

Why, Baby, Why~
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