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Beatmap Listing » ZUN - The Grimoire of Alice

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Artist: ZUN Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: The Grimoire of Alice HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: DarkDunskin Accuracy:
Length: 2:08
Source: Touhou Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 161
Aug 18, 2011
Jan 17, 2012
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
Alice Margatroid's Ex-Boss Theme from TH5 Mystic Square.

Please redownload if you did before 10/18/11.

Thank you:
- Medi-Chan
- Patchouli
- Loctav
- Tenshi-Nyan
- Anchor
- Ziin
- Niva
- Byakugan
- P3n
- Leorda (twice)
- Sakura Hana
for your mods!

Special Thanks to Saten-San for finding the correct timing and Tenshi-Nyan for the new hitsound set and patterns.~
HR Flag Satori is in the lead! (4 months ago)
Score 309,238 (100.0%) Grade X
Max Combo 220
300 / 100 / 50 102 / 0 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 31
Katu (Beat!) 0
Mods None

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade X 309,238 100.0% HR Flag Satori 220 5 102 / 0 / 0 31 0 0 None