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Beatmap Listing » Kylee - CRAZY FOR YOU

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Artist: Kylee Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: CRAZY FOR YOU HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: terametis Accuracy:
Length: 3:30
Source: Genre: Pop (Japanese) BPM: 162
Oct 02, 2011
Feb 17, 2012
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Change mp3 & hitsound
19/11/2011 Redownload pleaze :)

       [dksslqj's Hard]----- 100%

19/11/2011 Go pending!
10/10/2011 Laurier's mod thank you~~
20/11/2011 No_Gu's mod thank you~~
21/11/2011 kosiga's mod thank you~~
21/11/2011 athiota33's mod thank you~~
22/11/2011 L_P's mod thank you~~
23/11/2011 Pereira006's mod thank you~~
23/11/2011 Apricot's mod thank you~~
23/11/2011 termerys's mod thank you~~
24/11/2011 Byakugan249's mod thank you~~
24/11/2011 S h i o n's mod thank you~~
25/11/2011 Nymph's mod thank you~~
26/11/2011 bossandy's mod thank you~~
04/12/2011 Odaril's mod thank you~~
08/01/2012 [CSGA]Ar3sgice's mod thank you~~
09/01/2012 Hika's mod thank you~~
12/01/2012 Leorda's mod thank you~~
14/01/2012 Bubbled by Faust
15/01/2012 wcx19911123's mod thank you~~
15/01/2012 ReBubbled by wcx19911123
No records have been set for this game mode yet!