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Beatmap Listing » Black Hole - Pluto

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Artist: Black Hole Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Pluto HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: 7odoa Accuracy:
Length: 1:40
Source: Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 110
Feb 18, 2012
Sep 16, 2012
Average Rating: 9.0 Favourited 1 times in total Users that love this map:

BPM: 50 ~ 270
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 Boss Song:
Black∞Hole - Pluto

Please redownload if you download Before 1/6 (Added New BG)
This map is map in BPM:50~270 with many BPM change,that is why this map is hard.
White Slider=Speed Down
Sudden BPM Change!(It is Beatmania IIDX official Timing)
Beatmania IIDX's Pluto Video

Map set:
Download dialgadu77's Taiko Oni!
Beginner - Me
Basic - Me
Difficult - Me
Expert - Me
Challenge - Me

18/2 Submit Beatmap.
27/3 Move to Pending!
16/9 Last Update.

(Added on 13/5)
No records have been set for this game mode yet!