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Beatmap Listing » Kami Nomi zo Shiri-tai - Ai no Yokan (TV EDIT)

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Artist: Kami Nomi zo Shiri-tai Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Ai no Yokan (TV EDIT) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: bossandy Accuracy:
Length: 1:29
Source: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai II Genre: Anime (Japanese) BPM: 160
Sep 27, 2012
May 21, 2014
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total

The song from "神のみぞ知るセカイ"
Mp3 file from Barry's
Easy 100% by me
Normal 100% by me
Sp3's Hard 100% by spboxer3
Insane 100% by me
qoot8123's Taiko Oni 100% by qoot8123
  1. qoot8123
  2. spboxer3
  3. Fumika
  1. backstep
  2. Gina!
  3. HelloSCV
  4. P o M u T a
  5. Amamiya Yuko
  6. kajiyatta
  7. Strawberry Thanks for recheck!!
  8. Taris
  9. Pereira006
  10. OnosakiHito
  11. kanpakyin
No records have been set for this game mode yet!