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Beatmap Listing » Appleseed - Good Luck

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Artist: Appleseed Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Good Luck HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: EiJi Accuracy:
Length: 4:05
Source: Genre: Anime (English) BPM: 77
Dec 08, 2007
Dec 10, 2007
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Appleseed - Good Luck by Lisa Kekaula.

This is one of my better maps. Atleast I think so. I know I make lousy ones and sometimes I make good ones. Just like "It's Only a Fairy Tell", I think this is a good one.

The BPM changes often in this map. The BPM doesn't actually change in the song, but this adds a special little something that I believe makes it fun and interesting.

Well, enjoy.

EDIT: Since it's apparently a big deal to some, this song is actually by "Basement Jaxx" featuring "Lisa Kekaula" but as far as I am concerned, Lisa deserves the credit...
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