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Beatmap Listing » Jakazid - Cillit Bang (Hardcore Mix)

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Artist: Jakazid Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Cillit Bang (Hardcore Mix) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: neo@lex Accuracy:
Length: 1:21
Source: Genre: Novelty (English) BPM: 190
Mar 11, 2008
Aug 10, 2008
Average Rating: 8.8 Favourited 0 times in total
For those of you who aren't familiar with cillit bang, it's a cleaning product that does pretty much nothing, but the ads are famous for their obnoxious star, Barry Scott. the remix came from these ads.
The beatmap would be impossible to play if it relied on every syllable, so i used the closest beat to where the note should have been(1/2 divisor), I may do a hard version, it depends if i get brawl or not...

Edit: Added Easy, Hard and a custom Spinner Circle. Also corrected some problems in normal.
Edit: James Difficulty (insane) added, and moved to complete.
Edit: Low-quality video added.
Edit: NoVideo Image added, and color fixed.
Edit: Full reupload because of allegedly fucked download.
Edit: what hito said.
Edit: Lowered James's hitsound volume thanks.
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