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Beatmap Listing » Linked Horizon - Jiyuu no Tsubasa (TV Size)

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Artist: Linked Horizon Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Jiyuu no Tsubasa (TV Size) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Chloe Accuracy:
Length: 1:27
Source: Shingeki no Kyojin Genre: Anime (Japanese) BPM: 158
Jul 02, 2013
Aug 20, 2013
Average Rating: 9.5 Favourited 0 times in total
Finally, it's the time to Attack !!
Umi's Easy by -Umi-.
Flower's Normal by Flower.
Rainbow's Hard by Sun Rainbow.
m2004's Insane by mercury2004.
Jiyuu no Tsubasa by me.
Skystar by Amamiya Yuko.
Firce777's Muzukashii,
Firce777's Oni by Firce777.
Add Megurine Luka's skin and use Faust's timing in 2013/8/6, I'm REALLY sorry about that but plz re-dl it once again.
Especially thx for Flower and Kodora's helping in mp3、video and improvement !
US Flag bobby is in the lead! (1 year ago)
Score 706,410 (98.95%) Grade S
Max Combo 570
300 / 100 / 50 558 / 12 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 0
Katu (Beat!) 0
Mods DT

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 706,410 98.95% US Flag bobby 570 386 558 / 12 / 0 0 0 0 DT