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Beatmap Listing » Kid Whatever - Disconnected Disco

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Artist: Kid Whatever Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Disconnected Disco HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Starrodkirby86 Accuracy:
Length: 1:46
Source: Genre: VideoGame (English) BPM: 139
Mar 23, 2009
Jun 23, 2009
Average Rating: 8.0 Favourited 0 times in total
Bam! Disconnected Disco for the In The Groove Beatmap Project.

I hope [Expert] isn't too overworked in places. I find it fun...In a way.

Let's see where we go with this. Feedback is 100% appreciated. :3

1: New hitcircle overlay (Thank you very much Skyripper). Skyripper changes. :D
2: Minyeob changes. (Finally) Sorry for the delay! Let's go for the rank. :3
3: Kiai Time added. Timing change by -1ms.
4: Holycrap uber changes thanks to SFG and Shinxyn. More like Spacing and Hitsounds anyway.
5: Minor spacing adjustments. Thank you fufe. Thanks brainfree[z] for the star and the extra attention on this map. :)
6: Fixed...some changes. Spacing, combos, and beat placing, oh my~ I swear I fixed those [Medium] Sliders. Thank you 0_o.
7: Gens changes. BPM change with some spacing...I think...I can't remember.
8: Takuma changes. :)
9: vyt changes. Hopefully, this is the last of the changes. Thank you. :3
10: And Skyripper's changes make the big 10. Thanks again. :3
11: Rhhrhrrhrhrhrhrhrhrhghghgrhghr...Haha...xD
12: Minor. Minor. Updates.
13: Rolled changes. That one slider is now a bunch of hitcircles. ;)
14: Larto changes. Added custom approachcircle and hitcircle (Though honestly it's just from the template skin). Ranked? :3
15: Kiai changes and the suggestions Remmy said to do. GET THIS RANKED ALREADY SFESJFEKFJESIJSE I mean...Ranked? :3
16: Takuma changes. ...Ranked? T_T
17: Timing changes. Thank you Takuma.
18: I'm a turd because I forgot to resnap notes! :D
19: supergarlic changes. Thank you very much. :)
20: SFG changes in relation to hitsounds, with a slider change in the mix...Hopefully I didn't screw anything up.
21: lolwut strager <3
22: ^
GR Flag geodec29 is in the lead! (2 weeks ago)
Score 2,089,070 (90.71%) Grade B
Max Combo 302
300 / 100 / 50 242 / 35 / 2
Misses 1
Geki (Elite Beat!) 36
Katu (Beat!) 17
Mods None

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade B 2,089,070 90.71% GR Flag geodec29 302 29 242 / 35 / 2 36 17 1 None