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Beatmap Listing » Giorgia Alissandri - Pretty Cure Ah! (TV Size)

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Artist: Giorgia Alissandri Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Pretty Cure Ah! (TV Size) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Kuroneko-sHerald Accuracy:
Length: 1:13
Source: Pretty Cure Genre: Anime (Italian) BPM: 84
Apr 14, 2009
Jan 13, 2010
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Italian opening theme of Pretty Cure.

Any suggestion is welcome :)

EDIT: BMP and Offset fixed.
EDIT: Redone wrong sliders.
EDIT: Add Insane difficulty.
EDIT: Modified as Gladi suggest.
EDIT: Partially modified as roxkyuubiforever suggest, added new audio and video (thanks to Armin)
EDIT: Added "Armin's Insane" difficulty.
EDIT: Partially modified as xxheroxx suggest.
EDIT: Partially modified as Card N'FoRcE suggest.
EDIT: Modified as Lokamp suggest.
EDIT: Modified as osuplayer111 suggest.
EDIT: Modified as Larto suggest.
EDIT: Modified as blissfulyoshi suggest.

Special thanks to Armin.
No records have been set for this game mode yet!