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Beatmap Listing » REDALiCE - taboo tears you up

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Artist: REDALiCE Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: taboo tears you up HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: DJPop Accuracy:
Length: 2:18
Source: Touhou Suisui Suusuu Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 180
May 27, 2009
Jun 20, 2009
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
20th beatmap. 31st beatmap.

I mapped this song about 3 months ago, then my harddisk had broken down TT^TT
I didn't change much notes patterns, all difficulties were created by following Utage's style.

Score bar & digit numbers took from Usatei.

EDIT 2: 18 Jun 2009
- Fixed notes.
- Fixed difficulty levels in Normal.

EDIT 1: 29 May 2009
- Fixed notes in Insane.
No records have been set for this game mode yet!