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Beatmap Listing » KOTOKO - Wing my way

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Artist: KOTOKO Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Wing my way HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: ZHSteven Accuracy:
Length: 2:27
Source: Farland Symphony Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 118
Jul 06, 2010
Dec 22, 2013
Average Rating: 7.0 Favourited 0 times in total


三年的努力, 就为一个虚无缥缈的约定




External Hitsound by Kodora

Other diffs(including standard diff and taiko diffs)

Sorry but it is time to deal with this mapset after another 1 years' waiting
I finally realized I have no talent to map a OSU standard difficulty. I know all of my standard diff is really awful, should remap if I still want to keep it, but it will take a lot more effort and I really tired to do it.
So at the beginning, I just want to make it lie on grave.
But since a lot of old player really really wants to see it ranked, so I will try to make a ctb mapset for it. well, in my opinion, that will ruined the 10+ BAT post, and it will go against my original thought....But, no doubt that is the fastest way for it to be ranked.
Although now I am still struggling, I will remove all the awful standard diffs by now. and this mapset still open for suggestions~ let me know what you feel if I want to make it a ctb mapset.
Taiko diff added removed.
1st seriously map~Add the video(from Farland Symphony)
ready for mod^^need further help~~Thx~~~
ctb diff finally done...but it maybe chaotic and jumping like hell......
enjoy it~~
revived on 4/3/2012.
Renamed normal, hard and insane.
Seems CTB diff is almost rankable now, I will get my first attempt~
Go fight~

2010/8/15: remap something at hard+..need further mod~~thx~
2010/8/21 : accept uranuss8600 and HatsunoWind's suggestion:
change normal to hard and change hard to insane= = maybe it is too hard? uhh...
thx for them moding and their suggestion~
o btw anyone can help me mod the ctb diff? seems it is extremely eggpain....
8/28: make ctb diff easier....but still need further mod~~
2010/9/6:change some hit sound..i think it is pleasant now= = so i want some one check the hid sound for me when moding~~
and thx for the stars~~
2010/9/7:Thx for LC's suggestion~~ need further test for the ctb diff..i think..maybe it is really too hard?....
2010/9/17: since Alace told me that my map is too straight...so basicly change some straight thing to curve..maybe it is helpful to my map~
2010/11/17: waiting guest diff, so move to WIP~
2010/12/13: failed to have guset diff= =so pending again~~Thx for modding~

Download: KOTOKO - Wing my Way (ZHSteven) [Hell-Jumping CTB(original)].osu
FR Flag EZProdigy is in the lead! (1 week ago)
Score 3,000,875 (99.46%) Grade S
Max Combo 293
300 / 100 / 50 671 / 27 / 404
Misses 2
Geki (Elite Beat!) 86
Droplet misses 4

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Droplet Miss Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 3,000,875 99.46% FR Flag EZProdigy 293 132 671 / 27 / 404 86 4 2 EZDT
#2 Grade S 1,885,330 98.29% US Flag Nikku 134 56 659 / 27 / 403 75 5 14 None
#3 Grade A 777,280 94.68% NO Flag Elfilin 72 11 628 / 27 / 394 58 14 45 None
#4 Grade C 401,850 89.62% RU Flag Meru 61 1 595 / 27 / 371 45 37 78 EZ
#5 Grade D 247,200 83.48% BY Flag zverhome 24 0 538 / 26 / 361 22 47 136 EZ
#6 Grade D 174,120 79.24% PL Flag ZRD 33 0 502 / 24 / 352 21 56 174 EZDTRX