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Beatmap Listing » Perfume - Dream Fighter

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Artist: Perfume Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Dream Fighter HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Takuma Accuracy:
Length: 2:24
Source: Genre: Pop (Japanese) BPM: 135
Jul 12, 2009
Aug 29, 2009
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
I like this song a lot.~ This is a wipcomplete! :3

- Hard is nearly done!
- Full submitted now including the BG. Thanks to Gabi for pointing out that I forgot. @__@!
- Uploaded an incomplete Normal. It's now a collab between Kirby and I! 8)
- New mp3! Big thanks to peppy! Uploaded with some of peppy's mod.
- Small tweaks. The SB is far from finished.
- Very, very amateur SB up. It's only a few seconds long, however. I'm only uploading for people's thoughts, etc. I know it needs a lot of work already, so. ;P
- Oops, I forgot about this. But I honestly have no more ideas for the SB. *sigh* Taken down for a bit.
- You know what? Fuck the SB. >///<
- Added Ekaru's Easy, but I mapped a little more because he didn't map until where I'd like it to be.
No records have been set for this game mode yet!