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Beatmap Listing » Knife Party - Bonfire

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Artist: Knife Party Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Bonfire HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: inverness Accuracy:
Length: 2:21
Source: Genre: Electronic (English) BPM: 87
Jan 13, 2013
Aug 18, 2014
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
let me take the matches down so you will never let it on

don't let a bunch of words rule out your creativity. if you think it's right, strive for it.
Also check out this awesome (SEXY) full version map by Zexous.
and this marathon map of Knife Party tracks compilation by TrigonometrY.
BakaCI's Easy collab by BCI and -Bakari-.
Normal by me.
Kyshiro's Hard by Kyshiro.
Rage by me.

inaba's Taiko Muzu by inaba-tan.
Collab Taiko Oni by Backfire & kazukisinx.

Storyboard and map background by me.

Special thanks to:
Loctav for the rerankage.
Asphyxia for the rankage.
Irreversible and OnosakiHito for the bubble.

BPM 87 - Draining Time 2:20m (cut ver.)
My fifth submitted beatmap. Thanks for playing!
January 13, 2014: Happy 1st birthday, map.

  1. Unranked in July 11 due to rankability issues regarding the wobble sliders. Reranked exactly one month later (August 11) without any changes applied to the sliders as there were no problems at all with it from both readability and playability aspect. (read: thread page 13-17)
  2. From total 1 and a half year of pending, approximately 7 months is spent just for finding Taiko BATs, rechecking taiko diffs here and there, and waiting for taiko guests responses. Edit: Extra 1 month pending time due to unrank.
  3. There were originally TicClick's Hard (wip), Ayu's Hard, and cheesiest's Hard. All removed due to personal quality preference from each guest. Finally, thanks to Kyshiro for his awesome Hard diff.
  4. 2 guest mappers went long afk (or maybe quitting) during the pending period of beatmap.
  5. There were also an Extra guest diff from Katty Pie and Hellzero, also get removed due to quality preference.
  6. 144 favorites already when pending.
  7. ~7000 pageview of beatmap download page when pending.
  8. Americans like Knife Party, I assume. v

OnosakiHito (taiko)
Tasha (taiko)
Irreversible (standard)

No records have been set for this game mode yet!