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Beatmap Listing » P*Light - Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix)

View on osu.ppy.sh

Artist: P*Light Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Kuo Kyoka Accuracy:
Length: 1:58
Source: SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 186
Mar 01, 2014
Sep 20, 2014
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Osu! needs more P*Light >w< Please redownload after 15/10/2014
osu!mania World Cup 2014 4K Mappool: Yuno's 4K EXHAUST Lv.24

osu!mania World Cup 2016 7K Mappool: 7K OVERBOARD Lv.32

Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix)

Artist: P* Light
BPM: 186
Length: 1:58
Genre: Video Game / Instrumental

WARNING : Speed Changes. Playing with some SDVX
6th mania map! 3rd mania map for RANKED!
3rd P*Light map!

82 Favorited in pending! Thanks all
Ready for RANKED~
Please enjoy the SB by lZenxl at least 100
BG has been designed by Rumia- in this map

Total diffs: 10/10

4K BASIC Lv.4 (Easy 4K) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 5/5 Ready for BATs check
7K BASIC Lv.6 (Easy 7K) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 3/3 Ready for BATs check
5K BASIC Lv.8 (Easy 5K - GD by ruminine) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 3/3 Ready for BATs check
7K ADVANCED Lv.16 (Hard 7K - by Reikosaka) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 4/4 Ready for BATs check
4K ADVANCED Lv.18 (Hard 7K - GD by NaxelCL) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 5/5 Ready for BATs check
4K EXHAUST Lv.24 (Insane 4K - GD by YunoFanatic) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 4/4 Ready for BATs check
5K EXHAUST Lv.23 (Insane 4K - GD by REDYUMiKA) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 3/3 Ready for BATs check
7K EXHAUST Lv.24 (Insane 7K - GD by Rumia-) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 2/2 Ready for BATs check
7K INFINITE Lv.32 (Insane 7K) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 3/3 Ready for BATs check
7K OVERDRIVE Lv.35 (Extra 7K - GD by Rumia-) = 100% (Hitsound done!) Mods: 2/2 Ready for BATs check
Download MrSmooooch's Gd in here
- ... ?? Full map now!
Special thanks to ...
ljqandylee - Changed appear of title and artist
Roxas - Re-changed appear of title and artist
ruminime - GD
Rumia- - GD / BG
YunoFanatic - GD
REDYUMiKA - GD / PFH+ / Mod / Shoot star
NaxelCL - GD
Reikosaka - GD
Luckman - Mod
arcwinolivirus</strong> - mod
lZenxl</strong> - SB
<strong>Simple_Star</strong> - mod
Shana Lesus - mod / Shoot star
Shi-ra - mod
<strong>pengomon</strong> - mod
PROGUY - Re-changed appear of title and artist / rechecked / 1st / 2nd
Devilchilly - Supported me in work hard to ranking this map
Lunatic Raccoon - Supported me in work hard to ranking this map
ExPew - Checked / / / 3rd
hutunohito - Modding the map after get ranked (Changed)
arcwinolivirus -
<strong>Ryu Sei</strong> - Shoot star
Lokovodo - Shoot star
R e x 1 0 0 - Shoot star

KR Flag seksman sigma balls is in the lead! (3 weeks ago)
Score 937,621 (98.18%) Grade S
Max Combo 1492
MAX / 300 / 200 1034 / 500 / 49
100 / 50 / Misses 10 / 5 / 2
Mods None

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP MAX 300 200 100 50 Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 937,621 98.18% KR Flag seksman sigma balls 1492 202 1034 500 49 10 5 2 None