Beatmap Listing » senya - Utakata, Ai no Mahoroba
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Artist: | senya | Circle Size: |
Approach Rate |
Title: | Utakata, Ai no Mahoroba | HP Drain: |
Star Difficulty: |
Creator: | Kyousuke- | Accuracy: |
Length: | 1:34 |
Source: | 東方Project | Genre: | VideoGame (Japanese) | BPM: | 155 |
Ranked: |
Jun 22, 2014
May 13, 2015 |
Average Rating: | Nobody has rated this map yet... ): | Favourited 0 times in total | |
my 1st beatmap~ 2nd ranked beatmap!
big thanks to Rayz141 for Storyboard xD and to ExUsagi for hitsound!
BG change~ thanks to Zan - :3 (Edited by Rayz141)
Thanks to
ExUsagi for GD, hitsound, and mods + starDave- for modsdiicky for GDAbyssus- for GDZan - for GD, BG and modsRayz141 for GD, BG Edit, SB and modsYuutosan for mods + starxLoupGarou for modsLordraika for mods + staryoshilove for modsDE-CADE for modsmike91lau for mods[Shana Lesus] for modshutunohito for mods[FX] AEM for huge mods in 4K mapset!Marirose for modsHinagikuKatsura for modsREDYUMiKA for star and full mods!Blocko for full modsChocoliti for full modsMike Ace for modsMysticalia for full mods!arcwinolivirus for BAT checking/moddingDrawdeX for modsnowsmart for mods[AyanoTatemaya] (a.k.a HinagikuKatsura) for 2nd modsBlocko for 2nd full modsTakane6 for modsRuberusuScarlet for BN CheckREDYUMiKA for BN Check
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