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Beatmap Listing » Seven Lions with Myon and Shane 54 - Strangers (Feat. Tove Lo)

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Artist: Seven Lions with Myon and Shane 54 Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Strangers (Feat. Tove Lo) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Maeglwn Accuracy:
Length: 3:16
Source: Genre: Electronic (English) BPM: 130
Jul 13, 2014
Mar 30, 2015
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
redownloaded if dled before 12/14/14

alright this map is actually going somewhere
easy - garven
easy norrmal THING IDK - inverness
advanced light hard thing idk - brosephstalin
hard/insane - me
lets see if this can get ranked at some point

this spread is some shit

huntin for the bubbles
remapped insane as of 1/15/14
No records have been set for this game mode yet!