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Beatmap Listing » GReeeeN - Shinobi

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Artist: GReeeeN Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Shinobi HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: ExUsagi Accuracy:
Length: 2:46
Source: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Genre: Rock (Japanese) BPM: 168
Aug 14, 2014
Mar 24, 2015
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
finally able to map TMNT related song.. <3 <3 <3

thanks for playing, and thanks for the supports for this map... :')

4K Mapset :
// Basic > a simple Walkthrough for 4K lover..
// Normal > excited to do something more fun after basic?
// Intermediate > for the one who feel 'Hard' is too hard, meet an alternative gap here..
// Hard > one level higher, prepare yourself for more harsher pattern
// Insanity > try to ace this level, be aware with streams & Longnotes
// Burst! > meet an Longnote-less Insane here, but don't underestimate the power of anti-LN map...
7K Mapset :
// Basic > newbies who want to try 7K are welcomed here..
// Normal > familiar yourself with 7K pattern in this diff
// Intermediate > for the one who feel 'Hard' is too hard, meet an alternative gap here..
// Hard > Hard is really hard for this time..
// Insanity > for the one who seeking fun in harder diff
// Burst! > 50% BMS style, 50% Burst! style.. meet a LN-less Insane here, but as i said before, don't underestimate the power of anti-LN map...

Video Preview // By dionzz99
4 different game play, 4 different diffcutly, and 4 awesome game play by 1 people in 1 frame

Brainpeeler wrote:

people need to understand that osu has crappy long note playability
KR Flag seksman sigma balls is in the lead! (4 days ago)
Score 930,899 (98.45%) Grade S
Max Combo 1021
MAX / 300 / 200 1389 / 471 / 53
100 / 50 / Misses 8 / 1 / 6
Mods None

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP MAX 300 200 100 50 Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 930,899 98.45% KR Flag seksman sigma balls 1021 236 1389 471 53 8 1 6 None