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Beatmap Listing » Matsunaga Maho (from StylipS) - Resonant World

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Artist: Matsunaga Maho (from StylipS) Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Resonant World HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Blanc Kisaragi Accuracy:
Length: 1:29
Source: フェアリーフェンサーエフ Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 190
Jul 16, 2014
Apr 30, 2016
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Fairy Fencer F Opening Theme
Changed the Artist name as for 09/08/2014
New Video by Shad0w1and, check out his queue!
Easy, Kantan and Futsuu are done by me
Kin's Normal and Kin's Light Insane are done by Kin
Luxo's Hard is done by luxoDeh
5eania's Extra is done by 5eania
Kurokami's Salad and Kurokami's Rain are done by Kurokami
Xinely's Platter is done by Xinely
Ichi's NM, Ichi's HD and Ichi's MX are done by Ichigaki
m1ng's Muzukashii is done by mingmichael
Gen's Muzukashii and Gen's Futsuu are done by PatZar
Nardo's Oni is done by Nardoxyribonucleic
Yuki's Insane is done by Minakami Yuki

Other diffs
Garou's Normal by xLoupGarou: http://puu.sh/cuYfF/50061eb58d.osu
OverdoZe by ursa: http://puu.sh/osNsT/8e4201af49.osu

Please enjoy it! :)
Special thanks to modders!
No records have been set for this game mode yet!